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Robot present

4 replies

Fruitteatime · 30/12/2020 06:16

If your dc had a robot for a Christmas present, does it work? Looking for recommendations as my DD has suddenly asked for one for her birthday on Saturday. Bonus points if it's less than £50 and can be delivered in time or at least on the day!

P.s. could I get away with a Roomba?

OP posts:
ichundich · 30/12/2020 06:53

Our son got a LEGO robot for Christmas. You can code it to do different things via an app on his tablet. We're all very impressed with it. Bought it second-hand on EBay for £90.

TakeMeToYourLiar · 30/12/2020 06:54

How old are they? My 4 year old is in love with his, but it would be rubbish for say an 8 year old

Fivemoreminutes1 · 30/12/2020 07:01

Really RAD robots are good


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Fruitteatime · 30/12/2020 09:15

They'll be turning 7, not into overly complicated toys yet.

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