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Best laundry detergent for babies?

4 replies

Sara1212 · 25/10/2020 16:05

My baby is due in April and wanted to know what laundry detergent is the best. I would prefer capsules so is the fairy non bio ok for newborn baby clothes ? Do I need fabric conditioner too

OP posts:
IfYouHaveToAsk · 25/10/2020 16:08

I dont know what the best is but we've always used persil non bio and been fine, no fabric conditioner for us.

OhToBeASeahorse · 25/10/2020 16:10

I know everyone says Fairy for babies but my son suffers from eczema and we have found Persil non bio the best so we use that on everyone's clothes including newborn DD. No fabric conditioner required.

reluctantbrit · 25/10/2020 16:11

We use Persil because I hate the smell of others and Fairy is non compatible with cloth nappies, it lays a film over the fabric to make it soft so I personally would stay away from this.

Conditioner is absolutely not necessary regardless what the advertisement tells us.


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HotDiggidy2017 · 25/10/2020 16:14

Not sure about babies but I have excema prone skin so perhaps similar needs and I stick to ecover which I find to be the only thing that doesn’t bring it out. When we have our little one next year we will carry on with this - no fabric softener of course .. figured out that con a while ago 😂

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