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What toys do you 10 month olds love?

7 replies

BirdIsland · 13/09/2020 10:12

My 10 month old DD is getting bored of her toys, I think she's grown out of a lot of them and whilst we try to rotate them, she doesn't have any at the moment that really hold her interest.

What toys do your babies have and love?

OP posts:
NannyR · 13/09/2020 10:15

Tomy hide and squeak eggs are a cheap classic, they've been around for years and babies love them.

BirdIsland · 13/09/2020 10:27

@NannyR I actually bought these for a niece years ago and she loved them but I'd forgotten all about them, good shout 👍

OP posts:
Peony9876 · 13/09/2020 14:16

Mine likes the drain cover on our shower and the toilet brush best at present!

Seriously though he will also play with a wooden musical instrument set, click clack toy, ball popper and remote control thomas train.


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Fresh01 · 13/09/2020 20:30

Balls of different sizes and textures.
Stacking cups
Block cart

We also got a timber cube around that age with a bead frame on the top and different activities on each side, so you could use it sitting or standing. We put heavy books in it so it wouldn’t tip and they learned to stand pulling up on it.

WhiteVixen · 13/09/2020 20:36

The Tomy eggs are a winner here at the moment, plus a small plastic bottle with some dry rice/pasta in, a wooden spoon and any shoes she can get her hands on. I bought a little car toy the other week that she’s just started to push along. Oh and she loves a pop up toy our childminder has, one where you have to push/turn different buttons and farm animals pop up.

BirdIsland · 14/09/2020 13:06

Some great ideas here, thank you! @WhiteVixen my DD also loves shoes, I've had to wash some trainers just for her to play with otherwise she seems intent on getting to my grubbiest gardening boots!

I had a bag of toys handed down and I've just found a push along train that she seems to like, and I think the Tomy eggs sound like a good buy. I really just want her to play with something for 5 minutes so I can have a cup of tea!

OP posts:
Stompythedinosaur · 14/09/2020 13:42

I can still sing the song from the Fisher Price animal train that dd1 was obsessed with.

Dd2 loved her jumperoo.

Both of them liked musical instruments like an egg shaker, a tambourine or hand bells.

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