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What's the fun bit about flying a kite?

12 replies

Mysterian · 22/07/2020 19:16

There was a small challenge getting it unwrapped and in the sky, then it just felt a lot like standing in a field holding a string. I gave it 5 minutes but it didn't choose to do anything interesting, so I wound it up and put it away. Did I miss the fun bit?

OP posts:
Santasunhelpfulhelper · 22/07/2020 19:24

I’ve never managed to get one in the air!

Witchend · 22/07/2020 19:47

Sending things up the string is the fun bit. But you do have to get it flying first.

SummerHouse · 22/07/2020 19:54

There's deep joy to be had at holding the string of a thing that's flying high!!! It cannot be explained. Like..... Nope, nothing is similar.

penelopeplums · 22/07/2020 19:56

I can't explain really but seeing it fly when you catch breeze is good fun.

Mysterian · 22/07/2020 20:05

Is higher better than lower with kites?

OP posts:
Dilbertian · 22/07/2020 20:11

How do you and things up thethe string?

SistemaAddict · 22/07/2020 21:06

It's the getting it up and keeping it up I like. Even better if it performs stunts.

Witchend · 23/07/2020 19:17

@Dilbertian loosely tied lightweight items. You get it up a short distance then it catches the wind and gradually goes up. We used to do that on the beach once you'd got the kite up and steady.

FrippEnos · 23/07/2020 19:43

Strawberrycreamsundae · 23/07/2020 20:43

Watching someone else doing it successfully (or not!) in my experience 😃

wanderings · 24/07/2020 07:30

You can move around while flying the kite. Wink Sometimes a bit of running into the wind is needed to get it going.

Did you have children with you? Sometimes the fun for the adults is watching them flying it.

Mysterian · 25/07/2020 16:44

I moved round a bit. It wasn't much better. The kite seemed to be having the best of the situation, flying high and flapping it's tail. The string holder has the worst of it.

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