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Northumberland - where to stay?

24 replies

Twerking9to5 · 29/06/2020 20:00

By the looks of it we would want to visit bamburgh, Alnwick and holy island at least so wondering where would be a decent place to base ourselves? We have 2 DC 7 and 5. I got a bit excited at the look of Slaley hall but realised it’s a bit of a drive from all the places we’d want to go!

Any Advice on cottages/hotels/ areas in general gratefully received! We’d be coming from south east. Thanks.

OP posts:
LindowMan · 29/06/2020 20:01

When our kids were that age we found Seahouses a fantastic base.

icedaisy · 29/06/2020 20:03

My absolute favourite place is a lovely pub called the joiners arms in low Newton. They also own Newton hall which is a wedding venue but does hotel nights occasionally. We have previously timed it to do a hotel night then a night in joiners.

Five minute walk to beach, just love it.

Bartlet · 29/06/2020 20:05

Bamburgh is lovely albeit pricey. You may find you get more for your money in Seahouses and arguably there is more for kids to do there too.

LatteLover12 · 29/06/2020 20:07

Beadnell is beautiful.

Craster has a couple of fab houses on coastal retreats.

Newton Hall and the Joiners Arms are definitely worth a look... (this is a wedding venue mostly though but has a few select 'hotel' nights)

LatteLover12 · 29/06/2020 20:08

@icedaisy we have excellent taste! 😂

Langsdestiny · 29/06/2020 20:09

I would second beadnell. Its lovely. Its 2 minutes from seahouses which is a bit busier.

Quackersandcheese3 · 29/06/2020 20:09

There’s a lovely holiday let in Akeld / Wooler called they old Station house. We’re going st the weekend!

Angelicabean · 29/06/2020 20:10

We stayed in a holiday cottage in Walkworth and it was perfect for us. It has a castle, a very pretty river and a beach - a lovely little town.

icedaisy · 29/06/2020 20:11

@LatteLover12 we sure do. I have never really been a hotel person, but I absolutely love them both. Pregnant just now so refusing to go until I can sit with a large cocktail in that wonderful bar.

So many happy memories there.

Tinyhumansurvivalist · 29/06/2020 20:11

As a regular (family home town) to Alnwick I agree with the above, Seahouses has lots of places to hire via cottage hire or Airbnb and is probably the best place to base yourself for the areas you want to visit.

Eyre89 · 29/06/2020 20:13

Warkworth is lovely then you're close to Alnwick and druridge bay which is an excellent beach.

LatteLover12 · 29/06/2020 20:14

I'm pregnant too @icedaisy! Have you been to Walwick Hall? It's also very nice 😍

OP the owners of Walwick Hall also have Chesters Stables which are family style self catering apartments. Not coastal but high quality.

icedaisy · 29/06/2020 20:22

@LatteLover12 no....but will have a look. Did stay at le petit chateau but missed the beach.

Christmas baby?

Yes op costal retreats also good for self catering and coquet cottages

Rockandgrohl · 29/06/2020 20:30

Village Farm cottages at Shilbottle are lovely. We had a hottub (though this is a MN sin) and there's a pool and gym at the main base. There's a nice drinking pub and a decent Indian too. Very close to alnwick

SockYarn · 29/06/2020 20:37

We have stayed in Seahouses and also in Warkworth.

That's where we stayed in Warkworth, had a great week there.

LatteLover12 · 29/06/2020 20:40

September baby @icedaisy 😊

We're having a couple of nights away here at the end of July OP...

Twerking9to5 · 29/06/2020 20:57

Ah! You are all amazing, this is super helpful. Thank you! And congrats @ice and @latte 😁x

OP posts:
Belindabelle · 29/06/2020 21:38

I have used Coastal Retreats many times when staying in Northumberland. Really lovely self catering accommodation in all the major locations.

I would say Seahouses, Beadnell or Craster.

Metallicalover · 29/06/2020 21:44

Doxford hall is lovely we go a few times a year as we only live an hour away. It's near seahouses and Bamburgh. I've took my little one when she was only 7 months old and my niece is 5 and has been 4 times also. It's quite a small hotel and there is a pool there.
I love Northumberland it's my favourite place x

Loopy9 · 29/06/2020 21:46

We’ve stayed here before, two families. It was fantastic just over the road from the beach and a shop too. Local to everything.

MissPiggee · 01/07/2020 04:54

The White Swan Hotel in Alnwick. Fabulous boutique hotel with elegant art deco lobby and dining room, lovely bedrooms with en-suite. A stones throw from Barter Books, and Alnwick Casle and gardens. Buses go to Low Newton (so you can see Dunstanburgh Castle and Embleton Bay/Football Hole beach, which are stunning beaches). There is a pub nearby the hotel that does Northumbrian Trad music nights (folksongs) and also The Dirty Bottles Inn, a pub of historical interest. Not far from Seahouses, Craster, Bamburgh and Lindisfarne.

ElizabethMainwaring · 01/07/2020 04:56

Alnmouth is utter perfection.

Astillbe · 01/07/2020 06:34

We love staying at the Cookie Jar in Alnwick, and recommend the Dirty Bottles for food. A bit further from Holy Island etc but Eshott Hall is beautiful. The Joiners Arms in Newton by the Sea is nice and serves great food.

When we go with our 2 dds we book a cottage, usually through Airbnb. Imo a place in Bamburgh or Alnwick would be ideal, especially if you want a choice of places to eat within walking distance.

The area around Berwick is also nice and about a 20 minute drive to Holy Island and an hour to Edinburgh if you wanted to go further afield.


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Twerking9to5 · 01/07/2020 07:06

Thank you all!!

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