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White noise machine recommendation please

22 replies

Shufflebumnessie · 25/06/2020 21:00

We need to buy a new white noise machine for DD room. Its main function is to cover the noise of us moving around the house once she's in bed and to mask the sound of the bathroom next to her room being used early in the morning (she likes her sleep and I don't want her waking at the crack of dawn!!). I'm looking for one that has a decent volume (nothing too quiet).

Ideally a 'whoosing' sound, or fan type noise - no dolphin or rain sounds required Wink.

Any recommendations? Thanks.

This thread is quite old now so some of the suggestions may be out of date, but if you’ve landed here looking for white noise machine recommendations, we’ve recently updated our best white noise machines page with lots of great options, as tried and tested by Mumsnet users and their kids. We hope you find it useful.

OP posts:
Shufflebumnessie · 25/06/2020 21:00


OP posts:
KTD27 · 25/06/2020 21:02

We have it on like a wave sort of sounds it’s lovely. Volume adjustable and can put it on timer so we usually do two hours when we put toddler to bed and then it switches itself off and she’s fast asleep


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Chillichutney1 · 25/06/2020 21:04

Get a google home, as well as white noise also plays sounds of the ocean, sounds of rain etc

FourCandelabras · 25/06/2020 21:08

Yes, google home or amazon echo (‘Alexa’!) They play a really wide range of white noise sounds, as well as being useful for music, radio, weather forecast, etc during the day

LittlePetal82 · 25/06/2020 22:35

My Hummy. It has an option to play 12 hours continuously or it plays for 1 hour with a sleep sensor which turns the noise back on when it senses noise I.e crying. If you get the Bluetooth one you can also control from your phone so you don't have to go into the room to turn the volume up etc. It's quite expensive but for us, it's be worth it.

Ristar · 25/06/2020 22:38

We have an old tablet with the Sound Sleeper app on it. My daughters sleep well to the vacuum cleaner noise but there are loads of other choices.

I've got it on my phone too and use it myself if the neighbours are being noisy.

Shufflebumnessie · 25/06/2020 22:58

Thank you. Some great suggestions there that I hadn't considered. DD is 3 and very used to sleeping with her 'whoosh whoose noise' (in her words), and it being on all night. She's just woken up very upset as it's not working!
Might get one for myself to drown out the regular late night garden parties that one of our neighbours holds (& I can hear right now).

OP posts:
TigerDroveAgain · 25/06/2020 23:01

Just a sound box of some sort, I have a sound square and a mini bose. Both can play white noise perfectly.

LoisLittsLover · 26/06/2020 08:24

We use the sleep sounds app on our echo dot (alexa) for dd2, with the advantage that it can be used for music during the day

MinnieMousse · 26/06/2020 08:29

Look for ones made by Marpac. I bought one for insomniac DH over ten years ago and it's still going strong. You can alter the volume/pitch of the sound too. Just plug it in and switch it on.

Cardboard33 · 26/06/2020 08:33

We've got a free app called Baby Sleep on an old phone. He has wave noises at night and hair dryer for day naps, but there are lots of other choices. Like you we have it on all of the time until we turn it off but you can also set it on a timer.

MinnieMousse · 26/06/2020 08:35

We have this one. It makes a fan sort of noise. We even take it in our caravan.

MadeForThis · 26/06/2020 08:46

Sound sleeper app is free to download. Check if it has the right sound.

It's a few quid to get the continuous play.

DasPepe · 26/06/2020 08:54

Try You can also get it as an app, for Alexa and Google.

It is a customizable white noise generator. But it also has a library of other sounds: forests, rain etc. am fabourite one working now is “medieval library” :)

PocketFullOfPuddocks · 26/06/2020 09:18

We just bought a cheap radio and have the untuned radio noise. I still use it in my 5 year olds room to drown out the noise of the teenagers for him and have one on the baby’s room too.

amusedbush · 26/06/2020 10:20

I use a free app called ‘white noise’ and my favourite sound is a running stream but they have fan sounds, air con, hairdryer as well as rainforest, rain storms... pretty much anything you need.

TotorosFurryBehind · 26/06/2020 11:48

We use Alexa Sleepsounds app when DD is sleeping. Just say, 'Alexa, tell Sleepsounds to play white noise' and it carries on all night.

ForeverRedSkinhead · 26/06/2020 11:51

I've got the same one as @MinnieMousse
I'd definitely recommend it.

idril · 26/06/2020 11:53

I second the marpac one. My daughter likes white noise to sleep and none of the digitally produced apps produce the right type of noise (too tinny). The marpac is perfect.

Murinae · 26/06/2020 11:54

I use our echo dot for sleep sounds. I like the amazon rainforest sound.

CyberPixie · 26/06/2020 11:55

Lectrofan is one of the better ones, can turn it very loud, 10 different white, pink, brown noise and 10 fan noises.

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