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Does anyone use a bread maker?

36 replies

fruitandbarley · 02/03/2020 22:07

And are they any good?

If so what model do you recommend?


This thread is quite old now so some of the suggestions may be out of date, but if you’ve landed here looking for bread machines, we’ve recently updated our best bread maker page with loads of great options, whatever your kitchen size, budget or dietary requirements. We hope you find it useful. Flowers

OP posts:
maslinpan · 02/03/2020 22:10

Panasonic SD 2500, worth every penny! We use it all the time.

KaptenKrusty · 02/03/2020 22:15

Same - Panasonic! We got it as a wedding pressie and it’s the best thing we ever got - haven’t bought bread from the shop in nearly a year!

We always have lovely fresh homemade bread at the weekends and we’ve gotten into making our own sourdough and various other types of bread - also can make pizza dough and things like that!

Highly recommend

GlamGiraffe · 02/03/2020 22:19

My 17y/o DS discovered a recipe yesterday for a "no knead bread" you mix" leave overnight and bake in a casserole dish. That's pretty easy too. It's better bread than my parents bread maker (but they use that continually) and no effort really. A hread maker is too large for me to have raking ip my worktop personally.


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morriseysquif · 02/03/2020 22:20

Panasonic here too, 10 yrs old, still going strong.

SpaceDinosaur · 02/03/2020 22:21

LOVE my Panasonic SD-257
It's about 10yrs old and still as good as new

Notspontaneous · 02/03/2020 22:28

We also have a Panasonic, although it’s six years old so I’m sure there’s a more up to date model. Ours has a seed dispenser in it too. We love it and rarely buy any other bread now. It’s well worth every penny and we’ve certainly made our money back on it.

JigsawsAreInPieces · 02/03/2020 22:29

Exactly the same one as @maslinpan - had it yonks and it's a doddle to use. Make all bread, pizza dough in it. Much tastier than supermarket bread!

Allgirlskidsanddogs · 02/03/2020 23:00

Yup Panasonic, not used very frequently but I love it when I do.

Allgirlskidsanddogs · 02/03/2020 23:03

Hahaha, just had a Google, my Panasonic is an SD253, at least 17 years old!

Marv1nGay3 · 02/03/2020 23:04

Panasonic here too. Love it.

HoneysuckIejasmine · 02/03/2020 23:05

Panasonic too. It's brilliant. Cost me £5 on FB marketplace, absolute best buy ever.

(I'm on the hunt for a new tin though, ours is showing its age now and they are about £60 as a spare part!)

doubleshotespresso · 02/03/2020 23:09

Actually yes, i have two machines, (both Panasonic) as my Mum could not cope with hers so I have gained the extra. Bake regularly through the week and make a batch each weekend. Have not bought bread from a shop for three years...

LilyRed · 02/03/2020 23:13

Another Panasonic owner, I've got the Panasonic SD-2501 Breadmaker with the bit you add seeds and stuff to recipes as I love seed and fruit breads. The recipe for fruit bread that comes with the manual is delicious, but I use other recipes and make my own up - just follow the ingredients order - for mine, it's yeast, flour, sugar, salt, oil, then water; others may differ.
Really easy to use and clean and just gets on and does its stuff. Apparently you can even make jam and basic cakes in it - not tried that yet.

WishThisWasLangClegGin · 02/03/2020 23:14

Another Panasonic Sd255 fan here! and it must be 16 or 17 years old too.

Easy to use, great results.

Gilead · 02/03/2020 23:23

Yet another Panasonic owner! Love it!

RozHuntleysStump · 02/03/2020 23:26

Yeah Panasonic are the only ones. I’ve had two but my old one still works. I passed it on when I upgraded. Makes lovely cakes too.

thenightsky · 02/03/2020 23:27

Mine is a 2nd hand Panasonic. It was given to me two years ago and I've not bought a single loaf of bread since.

Cocorico22 · 02/03/2020 23:30

2nd hand Panasonic 2501 off gumtree for £20... Has changed our lives!! 🥪

Flyingsouthwiththeswallows · 02/03/2020 23:33

What am I missing?

I need to understand why a breadmaker is better than doing it by hand?

They seem so large that I have ruled out having one just because of the bench space aspect, but now I wonder if I really need one?

user1423578854468 · 02/03/2020 23:34

My mum used to love hers because she could set it up to bake her fresh bread in time for breakfast.

wowfudge · 02/03/2020 23:39

Flying because all you do is put the ingredients in and press a couple of buttons. Consistently good results. I got our Panasonic from Facebook Marketplace too. I also make hot cross bun dough in it - just shape the buns and give them a second proving before baking.

Divebar · 02/03/2020 23:43

If you’re making great bread by hand and you have the time then I wouldn’t bother with a bread maker.... it’s a convenience but I’m not fantastically enamoured with ours and we hardly use it. If I could make good yeasted bread by hand I’d much prefer to do that ( as yet I can only make soda bread)

Divebar · 02/03/2020 23:43

And flatbreads.... anyone can make those


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thenightsky · 02/03/2020 23:44

flying. They are better than doing it by hand because it takes literally 3 mins to throw in flour, yeast, sugar, salt, butter and a cup of water, press a couple of buttons and walk away for 2 hours. I can't knead bread due to arthritis in my fingers, thumbs and wrists.

NemophilistRebel · 02/03/2020 23:45

I do! I love my Russel Hobbs
It’s cheap and compact and no one else with a bread machine makes it as tasty as my machine Grin

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