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Vacuum storage bag - any recommendations?? Mine are crap.

9 replies

BigbreastsBiggerbeard · 12/12/2019 18:19

Can anyone recommend a good quality large vacuum storage bag (large enough for a double duvet) please? The ones I have appear to be useless. Fill back up with air by the next day. I spend ages making sure they are properly sealed to no avail. They must have holes in!

So many available but no idea which are any good. Any help gratefully received Grin

OP posts:
TheFlis12345 · 12/12/2019 18:19

I have a load from Poundland and they are surprisingly good!

EvilPea · 12/12/2019 18:20

Mine are the same, so I’m viciously place marking!!

They also seem to pop as well which utterly defeats the object.

BigbreastsBiggerbeard · 12/12/2019 20:21

Can't even remember where I got these from, though suspect it was Home Bargains. Will get to poundland and start there. So annoying. Three duvets taking up space here.

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Binglebong · 12/12/2019 20:37

That link doesn't seem to work, would you mind redoing it? I have the reinflating problem too.

BringOnTheScience · 12/12/2019 20:47 hope this works. I think I'd just done the "buy it again" option!

Pinkflipflop85 · 12/12/2019 20:48

I got some good ones from b&q

BringOnTheScience · 12/12/2019 20:48

These ones...

Vacuum storage bag  - any recommendations?? Mine are crap.
BigbreastsBiggerbeard · 13/12/2019 19:45

Thanks all. Bought two today, one from Poundland and one from Home Bargains. The one from Poundland started to inflate almost as soon as I removed the vacuum! I had three goes at making sure it was properly sealed (sore fingers now) but no, still useless. The one from Home Bargains is holding it's own at the moment....lets see how it fares overnight.....

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