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Is Birmingham any good for a day out with children?

21 replies

margaritasbythesea · 29/10/2019 08:59

I didn't make plans for the half term and now I'm regretting it. We're in Wales, with the mist convenient train being the one to Birmingham.

I can see there's a sea life but we've just been to that in London and it's not really dd's thing, so I'd prefer not that but what ekse is good for dcs age 9 and 11, please?

OP posts:
Fookadook · 29/10/2019 09:10

The Think Tank museum is really good.

Itsreallymehonest · 29/10/2019 09:14

We like Birmingham. The city's museum is really good, with exhibits such as mummified crocodiles from ancient Egypt, which my kids love.The shopping centre is really well laid out and has a clean, safe feel.

Cardboardeaux · 29/10/2019 09:18

Black Country Museum (if you can get to it by train)
Think Tank
Escape rooms - there are a couple in town with rooms of varying difficulty
Mini golf in Cannon Hill park (or Star City if weather bad)
There's a Legoland thing near Brindley Place but not sure what ages it's aimed at. You could tie that in with a boat trip/walk along the canal/trip to the Mailbox
There's a climbing centre at Broadway Plaza near Five Ways that might be worth a look too

143Mic · 29/10/2019 09:21

Errmm... lego discovery centre... it's in the city centre so not too much walking from station. Most children love lego. From what I've heard off people its not the best value for money but deffo do your own research

JetsetJetlaggedJaded · 29/10/2019 09:21

I think there are discounts on tickets to Cadbury world (and maybe Legoland and Sea Life?) if you travel there by train?

I've not been there but there's also that new bear grylls adventure thing over by the NEC (- direct train in 10 mins from bham new street)

Plus tonnes of parks if the weather is nice - cannon hill park is a good one and includes the MAC (arts centre) which has a cinema and runs arts and crafts things for kids

Have fun! :)

AmIThough · 29/10/2019 09:30

You can get a joint ticket for the SeaLife Centre and LegoLand discovery centre.

There's also the Mailbox - they have a BBC place where you can go and 'host the news' and things like that - basically experience working for the BBC.

The ThinkTank is cool, or if you want a cheap day, there's the museum and art gallery, which is free, and the library which is huge.

BigmouseLittlehouse · 29/10/2019 09:35

I went for a weekend with my two kids to Birmingham and they still talk about how good it was! The science museum in particular was excellent - especially if the weather is ok the outdoor bit.

ColdRainAgain · 29/10/2019 09:40

35 years ago, going to Birmingham on the train was amazing because of the.. escalators coming up from the platforms....

My kids like think tank. Saving the rest for next time we do a day trip there from the inlaws.

margaritasbythesea · 29/10/2019 09:41

Ok. That's loads, thanks. And I'd forgotten about the 241 with train tickets.

I wasn't sure about legoland. I thought theyd perhaps be a bit old but we've never been to one so I'm not a good judge. Ds really didn't like the lego store in London although he loves playing with it.

Canal trip sounds grat and the Think Tank. I'll start there. Big shops will be fun for a little while too. We don't have any where we are.

OP posts:
margaritasbythesea · 29/10/2019 09:45

Cold rains - it doesn't have to be 35 years ago. My kids had never been on an escalator until i took them to London four years ago. There were none around here until Next arrived recently.

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AmIThough · 29/10/2019 10:10

@ColdRainAgain I'm 24 and went to the Netherlands for work. I'd never seen a travelator before we landed at Schipol and didn't understand the concept. I've never lived that down Grin

sashh · 29/10/2019 10:27

There are also theatres, no idea what is on.

And the jewelry quarter can be interesting, you can get there on the tram which is another fun thing in itself, it's £1 for adults and 50p for children.

Missillusioned · 29/10/2019 11:36

The library is good. There's a roof garden with a view over all of Birmingham - very impressive

Missillusioned · 29/10/2019 11:38

You can also get to Warwick Castle on the train. Expensive, but there's lots to see there. They usually do Halloween stuff.

GrumpyHoonMain · 29/10/2019 11:47

Brindley Place, Bull Ring etc
canal boat rides from the convention centre / outside the Mailbox.
Selfridges Christmas display
Cadbury’s World (but a bit of a distance from town).

margaritasbythesea · 29/10/2019 15:17

Thanks very much. Having the advice if people who've actually done things is so much mire convincing to me than the webpage of any given attraction. I appreciate it.

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ShinyGiratina · 29/10/2019 16:51

Think Tank
Think Tank
Think Tank

Saffzy · 29/10/2019 16:56

The bbc tour in the mailbox might be good and then you could do a boat trip afterwards. If you didn’t want to go on the tour, there’s a free bit where there’s a few things to look at.
There’s always two for one tickets for the sea life centre so check around if you’re planning on going there.

haverhill · 29/10/2019 16:59

Think Tank is fab.
Kenilworth Castle is lovely and much cheaper than Warwick.

happypotamus · 29/10/2019 17:32

Thinktank is great, easy walk from train station (assuming you will be arriving at New St)
Cadbury World is shit but kids love it, quick train journey onwards from new st, probably 15mins
Birmingham Museum and art gallery is quite good, not far from train stations, main library nearby
Sealife and Lego are slightly further but still easily walkable, ridiculously expensive unless you have vouchers, my children are younger but really enjoyed both, lots of places to eat right by them
If you are also looking for somewhere to eat, go up the escalators from New St to Grand Central and there are loads of food outlets there (Giraffe, Yo Sushi, a tapas place, a Lebanese place, a pizza place, fish and chips, a thai place, Nandos I think, a place that just sells variations of macaroni cheese!)

margaritasbythesea · 29/10/2019 18:58

Thanks that's all very helpful
So useful to know all the actual logistics, especially with eating places etc

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