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Help me birthday gift shop for this awesome 40 y.o. London based lady!

13 replies

PARunnerGirl · 06/10/2019 20:41

No children, career in the arts, south London based, cool but not pretentious, quirky.

I’m thinking a voucher for a bar, restaurant or clothing store? But I don’t live in London so a bit clueless about restaurants/ bars.

Not something that is time based or forces her into booking something as I find those gifts only really add something to your To-Do list/ place a bit of pressure on you and I know she’s busy enough.

Anyone inspired by this description?!

OP posts:
Pieceofpurplesky · 06/10/2019 20:59

Does she travel? How about a map where you can pin where you have been?
I had a lovely gift of a first addition copy of a book I love once

Laquila · 06/10/2019 21:04

TBH I find any kind of voucher a bit stressful, even if it’s for a bar or restaurant! But then I have two kids and finding time to go out out isn’t that easy.

Does she read? Practically all the pressies I buy for girlfriends around my age are books. Or fingerless cashmere gloves from Turtle Doves. Or a Contigo leakproof mug. Or REN Moroccan Rose bath oil.

Pinkdoor · 06/10/2019 21:06


Art Pass - discounts and free entry to lots of places.

Gallery membership to get free entry to exhibitions - barbican, v&a, Tate, national portrait gallery.

Picturehouse membership.

Naked Wines subscription.

Magazine subscription - new statesman, private eye, the Economist.

Voucher for royal Albert hall.

Cashmere scarf.

Aspinal notebook.

TheClitterati · 06/10/2019 21:11

One of Elvis & Kresse lovely belts ?

AwkwardSquad · 06/10/2019 21:11

What’s your budget, OP?

doodlejump1980 · 06/10/2019 21:12

I would love anything from the Georg Jensen website. Quirky and amazing homewares and jewellery.

Sparkletastic · 06/10/2019 21:20

Selfridges voucher

Laquila · 06/10/2019 21:36

Or you could do her a monthly tailored book subscription service - choose her something great every month and pop it in the post. Who wouldn’t love that?!

PARunnerGirl · 07/10/2019 06:36

Such great suggestions! Thank you so so much!

@AwkwardSquad around £100 I guess? Fairly flexible

OP posts:
AwkwardSquad · 08/10/2019 19:36

@PARunnerGirl would she like a scarf, do you think? These are great, beautiful, unusual and a bit quirky Karen Mabon

Or some Diptyque perfume? That’s my personal taste, though, and perfume is quite tricky to buy for others.

If veering more towards a voucher, I don’t think you could go too far wrong with a Liberty voucher.

For a tailored book delivery as suggested by a pp, try Golden Hare, a lovely independent bookshop in Edinburgh.

PARunnerGirl · 09/10/2019 10:42

@AwkwardSquad That book idea is absolutely perfect. Thank you!

OP posts:
AmIThough · 09/10/2019 10:44

I second the V&A membership

EmmaStone · 09/10/2019 10:59

Mr B's in Bath also does great book gifts.

Or look at Persephone Books, gorgeous.

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