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St Michaels Mount...worth a visit

7 replies

Overseasmom100 · 15/08/2019 22:41

Checked the tide and opens at 10.30am...fancy a it worth it?

OP posts:
georgialondon · 15/08/2019 22:42

Yes. I still remember walking across as a child!

Dancingfairydreams · 15/08/2019 22:42

Absolutely!!! Its stunning!

BringOnTheScience · 15/08/2019 22:43

It's nice enough.for a stroll through the grounds and the castle is lovely. Not as spectacular as Mont St Michel though.

Overseasmom100 · 15/08/2019 22:51

Weather is forecast rubbish so no beach but wanted to do something different. Do you have to pay to het into the grounds

OP posts:
BringOnTheScience · 15/08/2019 23:01
midsomermurderess · 15/08/2019 23:09

If you, can find somewhere to park, give it a go.

gigglingHyena · 16/08/2019 12:04

You can walk round the harbour, there's a display on the amphibious vehicle used over the winter and another with a short video of some of the works which was quite interesting. The castle and grounds are National Trust, so yes theres a charge to get in. It was quite interesting, when we went there were also free crafts for the children and storytelling in the garden. Don't think I'd want to do it in bad weather, we didn't spend that long on the castle tour and the rest was outdoors with little shelter.

It's also not suitable for buggys, although I think they had carriers you could borrow.

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