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Best all inclusive family holiday

43 replies

Kingtiger101 · 06/08/2019 20:02

Me, dh and our 2 daughters (will be 3 and 1) want to go on holiday next year. Holidays so far have been self catering and we just come back exhausted and glad to be home.

So I think all inclusive is the answer. I would have hated this pre kids but now....I need an actual break.

So hit me with your recommendations of good all inclusive hotels for young kids in Europe or in the UK (not sure if UK hotels do it actually?)


OP posts:
TakeMeToYourLiar · 06/08/2019 20:12

Sensatori hotels absolutely perfect for this. Suggest the one in Ibiza

MT2017 · 06/08/2019 22:19

Lykia World in Turkey - fab for the kids and you can escape to the adults only pool Wink

MT2017 · 06/08/2019 22:21

(the one in Olu Deniz)


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snop · 06/08/2019 22:27

Gran palladium palace resort Ibiza
Best all inclusive we have been

Dieu · 06/08/2019 22:30

Lykia World in Olu Deniz is absolutely fantastic, I agree. We've been twice. However they have a very poor sickness record, so we stopped going. Look into it before you book. It may have improved since then, but I don't know.

Crunchymum · 06/08/2019 22:32


What do you mean by "poor sickness record" ?

ReadyForActionRyderSir · 06/08/2019 22:33

We've just come back from sensatori Turkey Side, was fab. Laziest holiday I've ever had. Prices are good to for an AI. Beach 2 mins walk away and fab pools and entertainment.

I've accepted that whilst my kids are young, this is the sort of holiday we need and will enjoy...

Dieu · 06/08/2019 22:37

That was clumsily phrased. What I meant was, many of the guests succumb to sickness bugs while there. Google has many examples of it.

woodfortrees · 06/08/2019 22:38

Sani Resort - Halkidiki
Pilot Beach Resort - Crete
Neptune Resort and Spa - Kos

And we have tried gazillioins.

PinglePongle · 06/08/2019 22:38

Blue lagoon princess halkidiki is amazing. Private pool and swim out suites if you can afford are fab for when little ones are sleeping in the day. Really quiet and no issues with sun beds all over the hotel

woodfortrees · 06/08/2019 22:41

Although I have heard good things about Sensatori as well.

userxx · 06/08/2019 22:46

@woodfortrees Are any of those places near a town, within walking distance ? I've been looking at AI but loads of the hotels are in the middle of nowhere.

Fsid00 · 06/08/2019 22:49

We have not long come back from Pirate Village in Santa Ponsa which was amazing for children. The entertainment was fab!

Kingtiger101 · 07/08/2019 14:15

Thanks everyone. Lots to google!
Any ideas about good hotel options in the UK?

OP posts:
welshweasel · 07/08/2019 14:18

Another vote for sensatori. We went to the Fethiye one recently with 3 year old and 5 month old. Free kids club for the 3 year old which he loved, baby went to the crèche for 3 hours a day, we had a swim up room which was great.

HiHoS · 07/08/2019 14:21

Manor House and Ashbury in the UK. So much to do if you can get past the canteen/dodgy rooms Grin

dimsum123 · 07/08/2019 14:23

Aqua fantasy Izmir Turkey. Absolutely brilliant. Lots of separate kids pools, plus a huge waterpark next door, free to hotel guests. Fab fab food. Perfection!

Singleandproud · 07/08/2019 14:36

In the UK we really enjoyed Butlins when DD was very small, stay and eat in the hotel although you’ll have to pay for drinks etc separately. But all the activities, fair ground and shows are included and perfect for little ones.

Butlins has modernised over the last 5 - 10 years and is a lot better than what I remember from going as a child.

RandomUsernameHere · 07/08/2019 15:03

Sensatori Tenerife
Atlantica Rhodes
New Park Manor (Luxury Family Hotels) UK

Starbonnet123 · 07/08/2019 15:24

For young children I'd recommend the Paloma grida village at beleck near antalya , its fantastic for kids , all inclusive with earlier meal times for little ones , great kids entertainment, its a 20 minute walk from beleck but theres a kind of resort bus that you catch to the town , theres kiddie pools as well as larger pools and its on the beach .

HironsBirons · 07/08/2019 15:38

We’re just back from the Kempinski Dome hotel in Belek (Turkey) a few weeks ago. Fabulously quiet, plenty to do and good food and drinks. We had a villa with a private pool which was lovely in the afternoon and evenings whilst the little ones slept.

Waxonwaxoff0 · 07/08/2019 16:26

Olympic Lagoon resort in Paphos is amazing!

BG2015 · 07/08/2019 16:30

If you don't want to go too far how about Jersey? It's an hour from Manchester (less if you live in the South) temps are slightly warmer than the U.K. Great beaches and bus service around the island.

We have stayed at the Merton hotel in St Helier, half board. Outdoor pool (heated) with a connected indoor pool with slide, lifeguards on duty and the hotel also has a kids club that also offers a session where they look after the kids whilst you eat a meal in peace. They also have evening entertainment for kids too.

We were a couple but it's ideal for families. Trip advisor give it excellent reviews.


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grumpymummy72 · 07/08/2019 16:38

Mark Warner (not all inclusive though) great for childcare for pre-schoolers (including wind surfing and sailing!) and babies. TUI Family Life good brand - at one now. Thought Sensatori a bit overrated. Couldn't use the adults only pool when child in kids club (which was all indoor crafts and role play rather than a mix of indoor and outdoor activities) as all loungers taken so you were stuck at family pools for the duration.

hormonesorDHbeingadick · 07/08/2019 16:53

Tui family life.

If you are going abroad choose a short transfer time from airport to hotel.

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