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Best travel games for 6 yo

12 replies

helpplease1234 · 24/06/2019 06:54

What are the best holiday games for this age? Any recommendations on how to amuse on flight and holiday


OP posts:
Insomniac79 · 24/06/2019 06:57

We download audio books for car journeys using audible. David walliams is a favourite of our DCs. Puzzle books, colouring and top trumps in his rucksack. Also games like uno and exploding kittens are great and very portable.

Brugmansia · 24/06/2019 07:00

Our 6yo loves Uno and Dobble.

DonPablo · 24/06/2019 07:23

Dobble is fantastic. Lots of different ways to okay and a really good game, we take ours everywhere! Our 6 yo loves it.

We also have UK money snap which is good but harder. And regular playing cards.

Our ds has a back pack that he fills with all this stuff including a pencil case and an empty note pad. Full of his treasure too. Keeps him occupied for hours!


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RainbowOfChaos · 24/06/2019 07:31

The Game (it's a card game)
Mammuz/Sauries (released under both names)
Maze thingys where you have a metal ball to get through a labyrinth or to get the balls to rest in holes.

Plus sticker books, colouring books, a how to draw book.

Ricekrispie22 · 25/06/2019 04:55

Where's Wally? book
(For a girl) Finger knitting, French knitting or Pom Pom making kit //
Foil scratch art kits are allowed on the plane, despite having the sharp metal scraping tool. My DD loves them. // You can get ones which might appeal to boys, too.
Word searches
Kanoodle Junior
Small Addictaball maze
Rush Hour Junior game (they also make a travel edition).
Top Trumps
Usborne 1001 things to spot
Qwirkle travel edition

ilovespinach · 25/06/2019 06:30

@helpplease1234crid=E61INLP6VMXA&keywords=sleeping+queens+card+game&qid=1561440535&s=gateway&sprefix=Sleeping+Queens%2Caps%2C172&sr=8-2 @

ilovespinach · 25/06/2019 06:32

Sorry about that. Not sure how to post links Blush Look up Sleeping Queens on Amazon. It's a much loved card game with my 7 year old.

Brugmansia · 25/06/2019 08:26

Boys can do finger knitting too and foil scratch cards (any ones they happen to like).

ExpletiveDelighted · 25/06/2019 08:32

As well as many of the above mine loved Guess Who at that age, we had a much-used travel version. Have to be careful not to lose the tiny cards though.

Ormally · 25/06/2019 12:19

Another one to recommend Sleeping Queens, it seems to have good long play value from this age up a year or 3.

Ormally · 25/06/2019 12:23

Oh yes, and we once devised an on-the-spot 'game' on a plane using a little activity book bought from Flying Tiger. There are no words in the book but lots of pages with pictures or puzzles to complete as you wish. We had a biro each and the idea was to take turns to add something to a page without the other person looking, then to flick through the book and guess what the addition was and on what page. This took up a 3hr flight no trouble, but has been resurrected at DD's choice ever since in hospital visits, time killing situations etc and I have had to buy a couple more of the same little book!

Damntheman · 25/06/2019 13:01

(For a girl) Finger knitting Oh can we not with this shit... This kind of attitude is what had me spending a full week convincing my son he was allowed to go back to knitting the scarf he's been lovingly working on for months.

As for games OP, look at King Domino it's great! Totem is fun as well. I second Yatzee, and there's also a board game in scandiland "The Lost Diamond" or "Star of Africa" google tells me, it's a great game. My 6 year old is obsessed.

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