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Favourite National Trust place

70 replies

Sparklyring · 08/06/2019 20:11

We're travelling from the North East to Cornwall stopping at various places on the way to and fro. We have NT passes so would like to use them. Would love recommendations please. TIA

OP posts:
Toddlerteaplease · 10/06/2019 17:25

Tyntsfield is lovely.

Rowgtfc72 · 10/06/2019 15:42

Definitely Lanhydrock and Glendurgan.
Belton on your way down. It has an amazing playground and miniature train.
If you come via Derbyshire Calke Abbey, Hardwick Hall, Southwell Workhouse and Sudbury Hall and the museum of childhood are worth a visit.

SwimmerGirl40 · 10/06/2019 14:43

Some great suggestions here, thank you.

PrivateIsles · 10/06/2019 08:14

Sorry Furry, not Fluffy! Too distracted by all this talk of lovely Cornwall!...

PrivateIsles · 10/06/2019 08:12

Yes Trebah is the garden with beach access Fluffy - beautiful place. There's an little adventure playground there as well with a flying fox etc. And a nice cafe.

Glendurgan is lovely as well.

FurrySlipperBoots · 09/06/2019 21:13

Everyone who has suggested Lanhydrock... We love the sound of it. Can you spend the day there? Is there anything else near by worth seeing when we head over?

Easily! There are bike trails there but in my experience even the easiest is too tricky if they're not really proficient cyclists yet - not very long but lots of bumps and curves and hilly bits to negotiate. But if you have older children who're confident cyclists and you're bringing bikes they'll probably enjoy it!

There's a lovely play area there. Will be manic this time of year of course, but they can still kill an hour there no problem. It's right next to the cafe so you can collapse with a coffee while they do their thing.

The house is a little walk away, which is usually fine but for lazy-bones' is a bit of a trial coming back. The house is pretty awesome though I think. They have real rabbits and pheasants hanging up in the kitchens which upset me as a child, so be aware of that if your kids are especially sensitive. Mind you it's full of animal heads and skins anyway, typically Victorian/Edwardian. If you ask for it they'll give the children a 'things to spot' sheet.

You can go on long walks in the grounds if that's your thing, and there's a stream with some great places for children to have a good paddle and play, so consider water shoes.

If you're coming quite far into Cornwall, there's a NT gardens called 'Glendurgan', I think on the south coast the other side of Falmouth, which is pretty cool. They have a maze and a giant-stride. You might even be able to get down to the beach there but I may be thinking of Trebah which is next door.

cannycat20 · 09/06/2019 12:29

There's lots in that area - Bodmin Moor is nearby (see the pool where, allegedly, King Arthur's sword was chucked in after his final battle...); Jamaica Inn (a bit more commercialised than it was, though, and I'm not sure if they still have the stocks in the courtyard as it's a few years since I was over there); Bodmin Jail; the Eden Project is not TOO far (though very pricey these days, they are on the 2 for 1 Gardeners World ticket, but not between 24 Jul-3 Sep and on events days.

Some of these and others are listed at and if anyone wants more info on the 2 for 1 ticket it's at - it looks as if you can still get it online, the magazine itself is just over £6 but we've saved more than that already this year and we've only visited a couple of locations and it's also meant we've been to some places we wouldn't have known about otherwise.

Sparklyring · 09/06/2019 12:10

Thanks for the link, I have previous looked at it but wanted peoples opinions on what's worth a visit as it can be hard to tell from a website.

OP posts:
TheGrapefulDread · 09/06/2019 11:41
Ivy44 · 09/06/2019 11:33

Not the OP but thanks for all these suggestions. Some for when we’re in Cornwall in the summer and some will work as days out from home. NT card is going to be well used this year!

Sparklyring · 09/06/2019 09:55

Everyone who has suggested Lanhydrock... We love the sound of it. Can you spend the day there? Is there anything else near by worth seeing when we head over?

OP posts:
Eminybob · 09/06/2019 09:49

Lyme Park
Dunham Massey
Quarry bank

All north west though so maybe outside of your route.

KneelJustKneel · 09/06/2019 09:42

St Michael's mount is lovely and worth it for the fun of crossing the beach when the tides down and coming back by boatthing when its up!

KneelJustKneel · 09/06/2019 09:41

Stonehenge too is free to NT if that's on your path.

Pickapony · 09/06/2019 09:16

Hi,depends on your route but if brimham rocks is nearby it’s well worth a visit.It looks a bit dull on the website but it’s great. There’s a nice hut selling teas etc at the end.

Gamorasgran · 09/06/2019 09:00

I love greenways (Agatha Christie's house). To be fair it's not exactly on the passing through route but it's v close to coleton fishacre and not toooooo far of the end on the m5.

Hippywannabe · 09/06/2019 08:57

I am local to Saltram House in Plympton. Just off the A38 on your way down. Stunning house and private gardens for NT members plus huge grounds and a walk along the River Plym. Definitely worth a visit.

gettingtherequickly · 09/06/2019 08:09

They're just about to reopen Wentworth castle and gardens, 5 minutes of the M1 near Barnsley.

RobinHumphries · 09/06/2019 06:33

They never completely shut Castle Drogo. They had problems because of the flat roof and lack of external window sills that over time the mortar had perished and the place leaked. So the restoration was put out to tender, a company won, went millions over budget and the company went bust before finishing the job. It’s covered with scaffolding because it’s the outside that needed the work - only a few rooms inside were affected like the kitchen.

Bunnylady53 · 09/06/2019 01:02

Penrose near Helston is lovely
St Michael’s Mount

Bunnylady53 · 09/06/2019 00:57

Once in Cornwall :-
Loads of NT beaches etc

PrivateIsles · 09/06/2019 00:49

Furry I wondered that as well, but I looked at the website and the picture shows it half covered in scaffolding! - but it says it's open (although perhaps not the whole house?).

I hope so as we are going to Cornwall this summer so it would be nice to stop there again.

PickAChew · 09/06/2019 00:22

Toss up between cragside and fountains Abbey.


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freshasthebrightbluesky · 09/06/2019 00:20

Fountains Abbey and Nostell Priory near Wakefield.

FurrySlipperBoots · 09/06/2019 00:18


I think it's still shut isn't it? They closed it to the public years ago while it underwent restoration. I don't know that it's reopened yet.

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