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"Goodie bag" for transatlantic trip

28 replies

Anyonebut · 07/06/2019 10:36

A family member mentioned that she prepares "surprise bags" for her children to keep her entertained during long trips.
Since we are going on a long flight with all that it entails I want to prepare a couple for my children (7 and 5yo), but other than colouring/puzzle books I am a bit stuck

What other bits do you/would you pack for them??

OP posts:
irnbruxtra · 07/06/2019 10:45

I've just done a mid haul flight with the kids, I went to Poundland and got some mini craft things, a pad, crayons, mini Lego sets, iPad charged and loaded to the hill with movies and cartoons- and wireless headphones!

Also a lollipop for take off and landing for the ears :)

Anyonebut · 07/06/2019 10:55

Thanks, irnbruxtra!
Tablets are definitely on the list. I will look for small crafts and lego, I just didn't want things with lots of tiny bits. Knowing dd we will have to crawl down the length of the plane to retrieve them 😂

OP posts:
CMOTDibbler · 07/06/2019 11:21

Sticker books. Snack bags with mixed up dry cereal and dried fruit. Books. Sweets

Divide it all up into separate bags to be distributed at 2 (or longer depending on flight) hour intervals so that as they are bored of one set, they have the next lot. Take a drawstring bag (the cheap nylon sort, if you need to buy one you can get them personalised very cheaply on ebay) to put everything in as they can be tied to the seat or traytable


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BlueMerchant · 07/06/2019 11:27

Card games like matching pairs. Tesco have a good selection of small games. Orchard I think.

BooksAreMyOnlyFriends · 07/06/2019 11:27

Yes go to poundland or The Works and stock up on activity books, sticker books, book of short stories, little notebooks to keep a journal of the trip. It's a shame loom bands seem to have died a death as my dd loom-banded her way across the Atlantic a few years ago. I think she made one for everyone on the plane Grin

Anyonebut · 07/06/2019 11:35

Thanks everyone, lots of great ideas. I will start organising ASAP!

OP posts:
SeaToSki · 07/06/2019 18:01

Dont forget to stash some stuff for the flight home too.

stucknoue · 07/06/2019 18:09

Travel games work well as long as there's not too many pieces, we had guess who and snakes and ladders. Cards though are the best - so many games to play

Honeybee85 · 07/06/2019 18:14

When I was a child my mum used to give us a small present every hour or so whenever we went for longer travels. Usually small things like a comic book, candy in a funny package, stickers, a toycar or a little doll, a small puzzle.

AlwaysCheddar · 07/06/2019 18:37

In the good old days Woolworths sold these for £2!!! They were brilliant!

MrsDilligaf · 07/06/2019 18:46

I'm sure I've seen loom bands recently...but they are a brilliant idea.

Also have a look on Pinterest - there are some great ideas for activities that pack up into tins and boxes.

EmpressJewel · 07/06/2019 19:51

I do this for my children when we go away/on a trip and just stock up on stuff from ten poundshop/Wilko etc

They key is to keep it hidden from them until the plane as the novelty factor makes it last longer.

Stompythedinosaur · 07/06/2019 20:58

Weve recently done a longhaul flight with a 6 and 8 yo. The things that were successful for us were:
Sticker books
Wordsearch book
Sticky mosaics set
Kids travel journal (we had one from Lonely Planet)
Colouring book with new pens
Fidget spinner
Snack bags - just a selection of things they like in little sandwich bags (eg a brioche roll, an apple and a little pavket of haribo) that I could pull out every so often.
Joke book
A eye spy book of things to spot in an airport.
Usbourne book of pen and paper games.
Kid's headphones
Sleeping mask and travel pillow

LEDadjacent · 07/06/2019 21:18

I used to wrap my kids a small present for each hour of flight, just from the same range of items already suggested.

PeonyTruffle · 07/06/2019 21:21

I bought a travel pack from 'keep em quiet' just because I was being lazy and couldn't be arsed to make my own.

Had lots of fav stuff in, kept my little boy occupied there and back

Anyonebut · 08/06/2019 08:30

Thanks a lot everyone! I am pretty disorganised and the thought of packing and handing things out separately wouldn't even have crossed my mind 😁

OP posts:
PenguindreamsofDraco · 08/06/2019 09:41

Triangular crayons so they don't roll all over the place.
Magazine loaded with stickers (Peppa etc) at the airport.
Ipad ipad ipad Grin

DreamingofSunshine · 08/06/2019 10:26

I think having them for the flight back is key, as often small resort airports have very little available.

Leggyfrog · 08/06/2019 10:31

Nothing - ive found the tv's and snack food and treats are enough. Maybe a sticker book at a push. Personally i wouldn't want to be burdened with lots of stuff to keep track of - it is cramped enough on a long haul flight.

Leggyfrog · 08/06/2019 10:31

Their own head phones are a must though.

tryingtobebetterallthetime · 08/06/2019 10:34

Sticker books are good. Also puzzle books and triangular shaped crayons. Things with little pieces not so good as they inevitably fall on the floor and are almost impossible to retrieve in the cramped quarters of the plane.

Teddybear45 · 08/06/2019 10:35

I usually download entire series’ of their favourite shows on the ipad. Prepare a goodie bag from poundshop with colouring / crafts / snacks etc. Lots of lollypops to help with air pressure changes.

Loopytiles · 08/06/2019 10:38

Surely most DC just want to be watching videos/gaming the whole way!


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Loopytiles · 08/06/2019 10:39

So tech and headphones.

val4 · 08/06/2019 10:40

When mine were that age I used sticker books and colouring books. Also little lego sets always kept them entertained. I always doled them out by degrees...spread out the entertainment!

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