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24 replies

chocolateworshipper · 18/04/2019 22:27

Am thinking about doing a very short trip to Amsterdam on Eurostar - one or two nights. Definitely want to do a canal trip and see the Ann Frank museum (I am aware I need to book this well in advance). As I am only going for a short time I want to say quite central but don't want to spend loads on a hotel. Anyone got any recommendations for a hotel and any other "must-sees"?

OP posts:
WhenIsTheEasyBit · 18/04/2019 22:37

Stayed in the Fashion Hotel, a 20 minute tram ride from the centre. Really quiet location and enjoyed getting away from the busy centre at the end of the day.

City Card worked out good value as it covered trams and buses, a canal cruise and lots of museums. Rijksmuseum is a must, for the Nightwatch if nothing else. The Van Gogh museum is fab too. We went to a beautiful restored canal house too, which was a highlight. Everything is v close so you can pack a lot into two days.

CakeNinja · 18/04/2019 22:55

We found an apartment on it was lovely and about a 10/15 minute pretty walk into the centre. There were 4 of us on a girls trip and the sleeping arrangements was one mezzanine open plan bedroom that wrapped around the whole upstairs with 4 beds! No privacy, lucky we are all close Grin
It was really small but judging by the size of all the buildings, most accommodation is.
We went on a canal tour on one of the boats with blankets and a little cocktail bar on board, it was very informative!
We didn’t get a city card as other than booking the Anne Frank museum and some of the group going to the Van Gogh museum, we were happy to go with the flow and walk everywhere. We did have 4 days though.
I was really surprised by the food, we ate so well and I wasn’t expecting to!

AvocadosBeforeMortgages · 18/04/2019 23:07

Make sure you hire bikes! Truly the only way to get around Amsterdam.

Airbnb can offer good value. There's a sex museum if you want a giggle. Go for a wander around the red light district. Consider a trip to a coffee shop.

CakeNinja · 18/04/2019 23:37

Oh my god, Avocados, we planned to hire bikes but within 10 minutes of arriving and walking about the city realised that it’s bloody dangerous Grin we saw a Dutch cyclist crash into pedestrians and another cyclist drive into the back of a taxi at full speed Shock it was all so insane, a lot of them don’t even look when turning corners.
We decided that what with the amount of drinking etc and the canals everywhere, it was probably best we just walked.
The idea of bikes terrified us!

BluntAndToThePoint · 19/04/2019 00:06

Dam Square is about as central as you can get. You will find all of these in that general vicinity:
The Royal Palace.
Canal cruise -the candlelit one in the evening is good. Some provide 3 or 4 course meals.
Free walking tours - they have different themes, eg have a walk and stop for coffee and cake.
De Bijenkorf - a large luxury department store. Nice to browse around.
XtraCold Icebar.
The Museum Quarter - Stedelijk Museum is good - pop art, etc. I used to live near here (many moons ago).
The Bulldog - the first "coffee shop" if you are that way inclined.
Vondelpark - depending on the time of year there can be live music.

Beware of very cheap hotels - they tend to cater for backpacker type travellers and accommodation is usually shared/mixed/dormitory style.
Definitely do the Anne Frank Museum - I went for the first time when I was 15 and it gave me chills. Only Auschwitz has ever made me react in the same way.

Wincarnis · 19/04/2019 07:11

Consider a city pass/travel card if you are going to pack in a lot of museum/gallery visits (some include a free canal cruise). Check out the website.

SuzieBishop · 19/04/2019 07:17

I went in February and stayed at the Ibis Amsterdam Centre and it was really good! Quirky set up downstairs, rooms have all you need and it’s literally right next door to the train station.
Also recommend Anne Franks House and the hop on hop off bus tour!

Shockers · 19/04/2019 07:20

We stayed at the Generator Hostel. It’s off centre, in a park, but not far by tram or bike. Get the tram pass and hop on and off as you like. The hostel is quirky and stylish, and the park is full of green parakeets!

I loved Amsterdam!

TSSDNCOP · 19/04/2019 07:26

We stay at the Golden Tulip Central.

If you go to the cathedral next to Anne Franks house the guy playing the organ is called Marco and I know him and he’s a total sweetie.

AvocadosBeforeMortgages · 19/04/2019 07:37

@Cake I'm used to cycling around London so to me it felt like heaven Wink I didn't see anything like that - it was all very civilised.

Mind you, I did go in January - I wonder if you went in the summer and saw tourists who haven't been on bikes in 15 years and not looking before they crossed the road.

DisgraceToTheYChromosome · 19/04/2019 08:12

Frites met saté sos. Mmm yes. If you go to Anne Frank's house, be sure to pop round the corner to the Homomonument and pay your respects to those who died for love. If there are bigots about, pushing them into the canal is a bonus.

GreenHatHacker · 19/04/2019 08:57

On another Mumsnet recommendation we did the canal cruise with these guys.
A small boat which can go where the big bucket boats don't. Lots of fun! (But wear plenty of layers as the boat is open!)

dorothymichaels · 19/04/2019 09:12

Stayokay hostel is right next to the Vondelpark. It's lovely - bright, modern, and clean. We walked everywhere from there and had an amazing time in Amsterdam.

greathat · 19/04/2019 09:35

Don't do any airb&bs. We booked one and then had a message the day before we were due to turn up (already abroad at the time) saying they'd been shut down as they didn't have the right permits

SuperPixie247 · 19/04/2019 09:39

We have done loads of air bnb's with no problems at all. Would highly recommend - just look out the "superhosts" with plenty of reviews and you will be grand.

AvocadosBeforeMortgages · 19/04/2019 10:19

@greathat Plenty of people have done Airbnb with no issues. By the same token I could say don't use a hotel because I once turned up at one and discovered that they'd sold my room twice and didn't have a bed for me Hmm

AnnaMagnani · 19/04/2019 11:20

If you want to see the Van Gogh Museum definitely book online in advance - the queues are enormous. So long that we managed to book via the phone from the queue Shock

Personally my top 2 sites were the hidden church Ons Lieve Heer Op Solder and the Portuguese Synagogue.

The Synagogue is stunning, with lots of info about the community and also how they have tried to rebuild after essentially being destroyed. DH and I found it better than the Jewish Museum, and Anne Franks House

chocolateworshipper · 19/04/2019 12:27

Thank you for all the feedback so far - it's honestly so helpful

OP posts:
GreenHatHacker · 19/04/2019 14:35

We did the Van Gogh museum on late night opening on Friday without needing to queue (and after a cocktail in the House of Bols nearby!)

GreenHatHacker · 19/04/2019 14:35

Oh, and the botanic garden was a nice Sunday morning trip - with good cake!

GiantKitten · 19/04/2019 14:56

We stayed in a small (but very tall!) hotel right by Vondelpark & a very short walk from the museums. Our hotel has vanished now but there are several others on the same street: Roemer Visscherstraat

(Stayokay hostel backs on to our one & is nearer the park)

We prebooked Anne Frank, Van Gogh & Rijksmuseum but otherwise just wandered. (We didn’t allow nearly enough time for the Rijksmuseum - it’s massive & fascinating & it closes at 5!)

Didn’t like area round station/red light district but the rest is just lovely. Hop on/off canal boats are fab.

We had 2 nights/3 days, arriving early Tuesday & leaving late Thursday (hotel kindly kept bags all day but collecting them was tricky because they wanted ID & I’d left passports in the bags Confused)

You will have a great time Smile

whatdoidonowffs · 19/04/2019 15:22

I have stayed at the boatel it was good value and a short walk from dam square 👍👍

Homefireburn1ng · 19/04/2019 17:05

We rented an old apartment on the Herengracht canal, it was gorgeous. Lovely watching the lights and boats going past in the evening and cheaper than a hotel.


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Homefireburn1ng · 19/04/2019 17:07

I didn’t like Dam Square. Was ok to get to places but wouldn’t want to stay there.

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