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Has anyone used Mark Warner holidays?

44 replies

maybelate · 23/02/2019 13:31

Looking at booking our summer holiday for July-ish. We'll have a 5 month old and a 19 month old with us so childcare options are v important!

Just wondering if anyone has used Mark Warner and what their experience was?


We can see this thread is quite old now, but if you’ve landed here looking for recommendations, we’ve recently updated our best Mark Warner beach resorts page with lots of great suggestions, as tried and tested by Mumsnet users. We hope you find it useful. Flowers

We've also got an exclusive Mark Warner discount for Mumsnetters that saves you 5% on the total price of a family holiday. (T&Cs apply)


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OP posts:
flowerycurtain · 23/02/2019 19:31

Try Tui Family Life holidays. They do Childcare from 3 months up. Age 4 plus is inc and there's a charge for younger ones.

My two loved it. We had 2-4 child free hours a day and they were in something just the same as a nursery at home.

maybelate · 23/02/2019 20:04

Thanks for all the replies. Mixed reactions on MW it seems. The holiday will cost around £8.5k for 2 weeks so want to make sure I'm comfortable with the decision before we book!

We don't have any family in the UK we could leave our DC with. I'll still be BFing the younger one so couldn't leave her even if I wanted to.

Childcare would only be a morning OR afternoon session at the baby and toddler club + evening childcare, we won't be leaving them 24/7.

If we go down the villa route then DH and I will have no down time. He works long hours and I'm a SAHM so it would be nice to have a couple of hours of adult time whilst on holiday!

OP posts:
maybelate · 23/02/2019 20:05

Never heard of kinderhotel! Will check it out. Ideally we'd like a beach holiday but could be swayed Smile

OP posts:
flowerycurtain · 23/02/2019 20:05

Jeez. 8.5k. Definitely look at either tui family life (jazz up to a suite and you'd still only be on 4K) or sensatori.

Gentlygently · 23/02/2019 20:13

NellWilson was it Chalet School area?

maybelate · 23/02/2019 20:32

Thanks @flowerycurtain! Will have a look at Tui tonight.

OP posts:
AnotherEmma · 23/02/2019 20:35
Chocolate1984 · 23/02/2019 20:48

About 6 years ago my in-laws paid for 2 villas for a big family holiday and I was quite surprised how basic and old fashioned the accommodation was. The TV didn’t work, high chair was broken, plate on microwave missing. Our villa & flights cost £6000 for 1 week for 4. I usually book villas through owners direct and get a much better villa and flights for £2300 for 4.

NellWilsonsWhiteHair · 23/02/2019 21:38

@gentlygently it was indeed! Sporthotel Achensee Tiernsee. Wink

hopeishere · 23/02/2019 21:46

Villas are tricky. We paid a lot for one in Cyprus that was really disappointing.

anniehm · 23/02/2019 21:48

There's no way mine would have cooperated in the childcare at that age - you know your kids but it's not worth spending a fortune only for them to refuse. A holiday nanny you can introduce ahead of time and might not cost too much if they get a couple of days to themselves (thus partly a holiday)

DPotter · 23/02/2019 21:51

Have been on many Mark Warner holidays - both sun and ski - and had great experiences.
The accommodation isn't 5 stars and the food is fine - if you're after Michelin star quality then MW is not for you.
The childcare & clubs are well organised and allow the parents to do things like play tennis together, go sailing together - you get the idea. We still had plenty of 'family time'.
Our DD loved it and keeps in touch with friends she made from years back. Especially useful for singletons as the clubs provide a hub for kids of the same age.
Would be happy to recommend

Grinchly · 23/02/2019 21:52

Refuse what anniehm ?

origamiwarrior · 23/02/2019 22:00

Try these as an alternative

jasjas1973 · 23/02/2019 22:06

We took a local childminder with us when our DD was young, its cheaper, safer and DD knew her.
Worked really well, she had at least 1/2 the holiday to herself as we wanted time with DD too.

@StealthPolarBear - i thought your post was quite sick in a bad taste sort of way!

Wheelsgoroundandround · 23/02/2019 22:12

We have not used Mark Warner but been on Nielson holidays almost every year since our kids were babies, eldest 17 this year and is genuinely disappointed it will be her last year in the Teen clubs. The Nannies (usually British but Brexit?) are amazing with kids of all ages and we always have an amazing holiday, usually three generations enjoying each other’s company while joining activities that suit us individually. Would highly recommend.

PrincessScarlett · 23/02/2019 22:21

We went to Levante in Rhodes 3 years ago. We splashed out and got the villa with private pool. The food was good but not great but we had an amazing time. The childcare was excellent. The kids went to kids club in the afternoon and then in the evening there was free childcare in the form of a movie night so parents could have dinner in peace and then collect their children. The childcare staff were mainly young and from the UK. They were fantastic with the kids and did all manner of activities with the kids.

Unfortunately we cannot afford over £4k for a week's holiday every year so we haven't done a MW holiday since. Before the kids we went to various other MW resorts. Some are fabulous and some are not worth the money so you need to do your research.

Mixingitall · 23/02/2019 22:25

We did MW when ours were toddlers, they were great, the boys enjoyed the children’s clubs, they were taken sailing, windsurfing and paddled in the pool, so not stuck inside at all. They did a kids tea at 5pm, and then you can drop them back for a film aka sleep club, then you can also eat alone. We did this a few times and it felt like date night! They have little beds and lots of space at Levante Beach. We also went to Turkey.

We then tried a Sensatori holiday in Tenerife at Sensatori Tenerife, or Gran Melia Palacio de Isora. It was much more luxurious, with better food and a lovely relaxing vibe. The kids club was lovely and in the evening they did a kids show. We had a suite and it was divine and a much more relaxing holiday minus the sailing and bike hire etc.

£8.5k seems a lot to pay for 2 pre schoolers. If you don’t need to travel in school holidays have you priced up the options in June or September?

justforareply · 23/02/2019 22:51

I've been on about 20 MW holidays. From when youngest 4 months to now 17 and last MW coming round.
I can honestly say DC adore MW. From about 8-9yo they just gang up with the children of similar age and are off together all day both in club and otherwise together, running about playing, swimming, playing cards etc etc
As a family we have a lot of holidays and I wouldn't be keen if all holidays like these as I like being with DC but they have thoroughly enjoyed themselves
The food ime is not great and for the price, the hotel experience is not great but I've found the child care teams very good all round and I think that's what the high price is about. They do good well supervised activities - water skiing, wind surfing, sailing, walking to local places of interest, scuba at extra cost - and my DC enjoyed being with the others for evening meal even though we wanted them with us and evening film showings and games

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