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New forest stopover

11 replies

Kattatty87 · 26/01/2019 19:49

Hi all wise mumsnetters
Come June we will be travelling from Hertfordshire to Dorset. We can't check in until 4pm so thought we would have a slow journey down stopping somewhere nice for lunch and to let the toddler run around. Google maps tell us the best route is down the a31 so somewhere nice but not too much of a detour would be great.

Thanks in advance!

OP posts:
Mulberryandthyme · 26/01/2019 20:32

The Crown Manor House Hotel in New Forest is lovely. We stayed there last year.

81Byerley · 26/01/2019 20:38

Avoid Lyndhurst if you can! It's a bottleneck. Brockenhurst is lovely. // is lovely for lunch or tea, and has an outdoor seating area as well. Or Burley for gift shops and lots of cafes.

balalalala · 26/01/2019 20:40

I'm a huge fan of burley. Not far off the a31 and you can guarantee to see some nf ponies and get some nice food! Had some lovely lunch at New forest cider last year sat in the garden with a bit of space for our toddler to run about too.


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frugalkitty · 26/01/2019 21:42

Depending on where in Dorset you're going, you could go through the forest and spend some time at Moors Valley Country Park (unless you want the actual Forest). Play areas, a little train to ride on, ice cream.
I agree with the suggestion to avoid Lyndhurst. Traffic is a nightmare in the summer.

Oldraver · 26/01/2019 22:26

Boston Tea Party in Ringwood does lovely food and is right alongside the A31

Osirus · 26/01/2019 22:56

Definitely Burley if you are coming off the A31. It’s very lovely around that area. Fritham is lovely too. Lots of gift shops in Burley and nice ice cream!

Oldraver · 26/01/2019 23:48

Burley is a weird place

MakeLemonade · 26/01/2019 23:50

The Pig at Brockenhurst is brilliant. Amazing food - all sourced within 20 miles, foraged etc - and a lovely setting, it’s a hotel so good grounds, cosy bar/lounger areas too.

Mrsrockwell · 26/01/2019 23:51

Brockenhurst is indeed lovely!

Kattatty87 · 31/01/2019 16:58

Thanks everyone. I'll have a look at all the places mentioned

OP posts:
user1471548941 · 31/01/2019 17:27

Burley is a winner and only 5 mins off the A31, Brockenhurst I would think a little bit too far off the A31 unless you want to go A35 instead. And yes to avoiding Lyndhurst like the plague unless you want to spend your time sat in a traffic jam!

The White Buck pub does lovely food that is a little bit nicer than a pub. You can park in Burley at the cricket pitch, there is a lovely walk along a disused railway line and then cross the golf course to the White Buck, hidden away in the trees. Varied menu and in summer they have a beautiful terrace to sit out on and an outdoor pizza oven for more casual food.

If you’re after a treat instead then the Burley Manor is a little bit fancier and does great sharing dishes but less child friendly.

For a real treat, it is worth going off the A35 to the Pig at Brockenhurst but you have to book months in advance!!

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