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What the Cotton Picking Heck is a Sphero???

16 replies

BaconAndAvocado · 11/11/2018 21:16

Looking for christmas presses for DS2 aged 12 and t'interweb suggested a Sphero.

It's a plastic, er, sphere............what does it actually do?

In English please!

OP posts:
cropcirclesinthefields · 11/11/2018 21:30

I think he means Spiro, it's a video game with the main character being a purple dragon. It's very cute and a lot of fun.

AlpacaPicnic · 11/11/2018 21:30

You can programme it to do things, like move a certain way. It moves like BB8 from star wars. I'm... Not really sure what it is apart from that! I've played with one, it was fun for a bit.

Bumpinthenight · 11/11/2018 21:33

A sphero is a little ball that can be programmed to do stuff. It is like a small robot.
It can be programmed to weave in and out of cones and can dance to music. There is the big version which is the size of a tennis ball,and a smaller one the size of a ping pong ball.


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AlpacaPicnic · 11/11/2018 21:33

Lots of videos on YouTube, might show you better than my appalling description ;)

BaconAndAvocado · 11/11/2018 21:47

Ah yes, now I get it!

Thanks all.

OP posts:
ThorsMistress · 11/11/2018 23:00

DS has one. You can control BB8 from an app on your tablet/phone

BernardoTeashop · 11/11/2018 23:03

I’m sure you didn’t mean any offence OP but your thread title could be seen by some as offensive

BrokenWing · 11/11/2018 23:04

We looked at it last year and decided it fell into the category of a very expensive very short lived novelty toy.

Getonthatbroomandfly · 11/11/2018 23:33


Joinourclub · 11/11/2018 23:37

Ah my dc was talking about this too! They have one at school.

JackSpraggon · 11/11/2018 23:40

Not that anyone ever believes this, but the phrase "cotton picking" actually pre-dates the introduction of slavery in the US. But then, these days anything with the word "cotton" in it is automatically linked with it.

JackSpraggon · 11/11/2018 23:46

They had a massive debate about it in the Canadian Parliament when some Canadian MP used the term!

SenecaFalls · 11/11/2018 23:53

Not that anyone ever believes this, but the phrase "cotton picking" actually pre-dates the introduction of slavery in the US.

There were enslaved Africans in what became the US in the early 1600s. The phrase arose some time later.

BaconAndAvocado · 12/11/2018 21:15

Just showed the Sphero to DS2, he quite liked it. We're not sure whether it comes with mini skittles or not?

OP posts:
Nissemand · 12/11/2018 21:20

Sphero is great fun.

You can program it to play games, follow lines on a maze, respond to music, avoid obstacles etc.

There are loads of sites devoted to it.

And it just looks so pretty zooming around, in funky colours.

It's very well made, and can withstand knocks, water etc.

I love ours.

You can play skittles with it I guess, it's a ball you can control via an app. The website explains it very well.

Idontbelieveinthemoon · 12/11/2018 21:22

We have a few - the ball one is ok, but the Ollie and the Dark Side Ollie are amazing! You can get wheels to take them outside, ramps to go up and down doing tricks, you can chase the dog, you can have hours of fun!

We also have the BB8 Sphere which is just awesome (DH is a gadget fan) but the R2D2 isn't as great as I'd have hoped.

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