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Female condoms - anyone tried?

30 replies

GlassHeart1 · 03/10/2018 17:58

Just that - what's your experience?
Would you recommend?

Also, anyone knows what shops sell them?
I tried large Boots, Tescos and independent chemists with no luck.

Is online the only option? Any brands better than others?


If you've found this page in search of condoms that have been tried and tested by fellow Mumsnet users, you might find our guide to the best condoms useful. Hope this helps! MNHQ

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sadnessin · 05/10/2018 08:25

Martha yes v comfortable and once it's in you can't feel it at all. DH also says he can't feel it while DTD (even though it's quite large?!) he would def tell me if he could !

It's effective in that I haven't fallen pregnant since using it combined with tracking my cycles. Fingers crossed it stays that way Grin

Dontaskmyname · 05/10/2018 08:34

Tried once. Wasn’t great as it kept being pushed inside, so couldn’t relax and enjoy the moment. A male condom fits snugly and stays on no matter how vigorous the action. Female condom is like a bin bag as PP described, you can’t tie it on to keep it in place though 🤦‍♀️

AuntieGeek · 05/10/2018 14:42

It was my method of choice before my DP and I got the all clear from the gum clinic. They do rustle, they're effective, and they're hard to use with women on top position. Killed all sensation for me (boo) and they're quite expensive. Got mine from Amazon. As a long term method of contraception it's a total fail but if you need something as a 'bugger I've forgotten my pill and DP loathes condoms' it's ok.

MarthaArthur · 05/10/2018 15:26

Thats me sold @sad thanks Grin

GlassHeart1 · 05/10/2018 20:57

Thank you all, I might just "try something new" in the name of equality.

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