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Northumberland people, please advise!

55 replies

Urbanbeetler · 30/09/2018 20:14

I would love to take my kind, kind dh to a really good restaurant with rooms or hotel with fine dining in Northumberland for his birthday. It was one of his favourite parts of the world when he was too young and poor for posh eating and he is a real foodie.

Can anyone recommend something really special? He deserves it. Thank you .

OP posts:
INeedNewShoes · 30/09/2018 20:17

Shamelessly lurking as I'll be interested in people's suggestions.

I too grew up in Northumberland but never set foot in such an establishment...

LarryFreakinStylinson · 30/09/2018 20:19

What kind of food are you thinking? The Dyke Neuk has not long been taken over and I’ve heard great things about their chef but it’s still pub food.

LarryFreakinStylinson · 30/09/2018 20:23
LarryFreakinStylinson · 30/09/2018 20:29

Horton Grange is lovely

Urbanbeetler · 30/09/2018 22:18

Thank you for these! I’ll look them up. Looking for something really special - so anywhere with a great kitchen and a warm atmosphere. Much appreciated.

OP posts:
sillysausage16 · 30/09/2018 22:29

Percy arms in a village called chatton is amazing. No 1 in wooler. The Apple inn lucker, there are some lovely places in corbridge and rothbury. Hogs head alnwick, Lord Crewe arms bamburgh

Disfordarkchocolate · 30/09/2018 22:32

The Beaumont Hotel in Hexham has massively improved, I had a wonderful meal last time I went. Bistrot in Hexham is a fantastic french restaurant too. Hope you have a lovely trip.

Colabottle10 · 30/09/2018 22:34

If you could bear County Durham then you have the Michellin 2* restaurant with rooms The Raby Hunt. You can fine at Chefs Table and watch the kitchen at work. It's AMAZING.

Urbanbeetler · 30/09/2018 22:36

Arg great suggestions! So many choices - thanks

OP posts:
Disfordarkchocolate · 30/09/2018 22:37

Fantastic food here

SmellyHead · 30/09/2018 22:40

I lived in Rothbury for over a decade; there is nowhere good to eat there. The nicest place I found in that area is the Potted Lobster in Bamburgh, which was fine.

FlorenceandtheWashingMachine · 30/09/2018 22:44

Walwick Hall (ten mins from Hexham) is lovely and has a spa if that appeals. I second the Beamont Hotel in Hexham but Walwick is posher.

The Lord Crewe Arms in Blanchland is a special place

INeedNewShoes · 30/09/2018 22:46

Near Hexham, Wallick hall is very nice and in lovely gardens/surroundings but it's still a step away from fine dining.

FlorenceandtheWashingMachine · 30/09/2018 22:46

The French restaurant in Hexham (mentioned above) is called Bouchon. It is very good, but it doesn't have rooms.

INeedNewShoes · 30/09/2018 22:47

Oops, excellent cross post with Florence who has shown me up by spelling Walwick correctly Blush

LatteLover12 · 30/09/2018 22:49

Well here is lovely...

But Walwick Hall is also amazing 😍😍

thurmanmerman · 01/10/2018 17:27

The Lord Crewe Arms in Blanchland is lovely
I think it's in Northumberland but it could be Co Durham - it's not far from the border between the two anyway!
Website here

thurmanmerman · 01/10/2018 17:27

Doh - didn't see Florence's post!

cannycat20 · 01/10/2018 17:53

What about Matfen Hall?, sample menu at

Other places I can think of are all either pubs, tearooms, or not in Northumberland!

spaceraidersrock · 01/10/2018 17:58

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FlorenceandtheWashingMachine · 01/10/2018 19:22

The Lord Crewe Arms is in Northumberland buy only by a whisker @thurmanmerman. County Durham starts about quarter of a mile away (if that).

WeSaluteYou · 01/10/2018 19:23

Eshott Hall. It’s gorgeous and the food is brilliant


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FlorenceandtheWashingMachine · 01/10/2018 19:30

PS: As he is a foodie, I'd definitely recommend a visit to Riley's Fish Shack before or after your big night. Lobster, squid etc in a lovely location on the lower bay at Tynemouth and (quite rightly) raved about by Jay Rayner

Northumberlandlass · 01/10/2018 19:33

Without a shadow of a doubt. Cannot recommend it highly enough. It’s just won a ton of awards too, which is rightly deserves.

My favourite’s if I can’t get a table at The Feathers are Bouchon in Hexham or The Beaumont. Both mentioned.

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