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Dull thread alert - clothes pegs

65 replies

LooksLikeImStuckHere · 17/08/2018 17:22

Mine aren’t even that old but clearly they have had enough following the heatwave as they just keep snapping and breaking apart as I go to use them. Some I’ve put on the line only for them to snap and ping off a few mins later. They are John Lewis ones, nothing too cheap but not fancy either.

Any recommendations? I thought the Lakeland ones but reviews say that they don’t hold thinner items well.

TIA. And sorry for the dull thread.

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LooksLikeImStuckHere · 18/08/2018 11:53

They are rather stylish!

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ItsNiceItsDifferentItsUnusual · 18/08/2018 11:56

Oh! I had been wondering why my pegs have been snapping all over the place recently.

I will buy some wooden ones I think.

mommybear1 · 18/08/2018 17:41

Hegs pegs recently found them - fab currently on sale in Aldi

BackforGood · 18/08/2018 19:33

Ah, yes, when I first replied, plastic pegs hadn't crossed my mind. I've always had wooden ones and only tend to need to replace them when the dc take them off to camp and don't return them. It is rare for one to break.

HPH3 · 24/03/2019 18:31

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HPH3 · 24/03/2019 18:40

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gigglingHyena · 24/03/2019 19:48

Wooden for me, I've had the odd one ping apart but usually it's easy enough to put it back together. Plus I try to avoid plastics where I can.

Poundland are thin wood and more likely to snap but I still have some I've had for years. My favourites are some slightly chunkier ones from tesco, I think they are called storm pegs.

MollysLips · 24/03/2019 20:15

I bought 2 packs of stainless steel ones from Amazon. They're amazing! Don't rust, don't go brittle, hold everything perfectly and you can leave them outside all winter if you're lazy and forgetful like me.

BloodyBosch · 24/03/2019 20:42

We bought stainless steel ones from amazon. No springs or bits to snap. Love them and haven't had to buy pegs since!
Years of replacing cheap ones are behind us

Aph413 · 24/03/2019 20:48

I love my eco force pegs, had them about 8 years and I'm only just thinking about getting an extra bag to top up for ones that have snapped

llangennith · 24/03/2019 21:16

Zombie thread but still so relevant.
Always bought my plastic pegs from Tesco but last year's were different and didn't hold the clothes in the line😬
Today has been the first day this year I've pegged out some washing and every blimmin peg snapped as I touched them. Brittle!
Do the stainless steel ones really work?

Aph413 · 24/03/2019 21:24

Oh for goodness sake. How did I not notice this was an old thread Blush

TroysMammy · 24/03/2019 21:29

I've had my wooden pegs for so long I can't remember where I bought them from. I don't leave them outside so they are the same colour when I bought them.

MollysLips · 25/03/2019 07:24

@llangennith Yes, they're brilliant.

sandgrown · 25/03/2019 07:33

I love my Lakeland pegs. I find some wooden ones leak dye in the rain . Need a new pegbag though .

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