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Dull thread alert - clothes pegs

65 replies

LooksLikeImStuckHere · 17/08/2018 17:22

Mine aren’t even that old but clearly they have had enough following the heatwave as they just keep snapping and breaking apart as I go to use them. Some I’ve put on the line only for them to snap and ping off a few mins later. They are John Lewis ones, nothing too cheap but not fancy either.

Any recommendations? I thought the Lakeland ones but reviews say that they don’t hold thinner items well.

TIA. And sorry for the dull thread.

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BigStripeyBastard · 17/08/2018 21:08

For the record, purple pegs degrade the quickest, followed by pink.

LooksLikeImStuckHere · 17/08/2018 21:44

I will avoid those then Big. MN is just a hive of awesome information Grin. Is there any reason for those colours being the worst?

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IAmTheWifeOfMaoTseTung · 17/08/2018 22:09

Muji pegs last forever and also look quite elegant so can be used for keeping pasta packets etc closed whilst retaining a facade of cool.
Accept no substitute

They honestly never degrade over decades and they never get manky - if you drop them in the mud I shove them in the dishwasher.

Mind you I never leave them out on the line, I keep them snug in my Brabantia pegbag.

margotsdevil · 17/08/2018 22:14

Minky all the way.... even though calling someone minky was the absolute worst insult when I was at school Wink

LooksLikeImStuckHere · 17/08/2018 22:20

Grin I always felt Minky was a poor choice for a company name.

I have that peg bag IAm! Two in fact (not deliberately, one came free with something).

OP posts:
LooksLikeImStuckHere · 17/08/2018 22:25

What’s the difference between the PP pegs and the Polycarbonate pegs from Muji?

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CazzieCatsRock · 17/08/2018 22:30

But they have to be plastic & multi-coloured. How else can I colour coordinate with my washing on the line?? Grin

Totally misses point!!

CountFosco · 17/08/2018 22:30

Another vote for wooden here. My original wooden ones bought 3 decades ago are still going strong whereas the plastic ones go brittle and fall apart after a few years.

washewihersen · 17/08/2018 22:33

I bought these years ago now and they are good as new still.

I also have some cheap wooden ones which last for ages as I don't leave them outside/

ASqueakingInTheShrubbery · 17/08/2018 22:45

My Tesco Value ones are 13 years old and still as good as new. My mum's wooden ones are probably more like 40 years old.

bonzo77 · 17/08/2018 22:53

Eco force recycled here too. But only got them this summer. Got lots of old cheap basic ones from various places. Pink ones all snapped and blue and white ones starting to go now too. No idea how old they are.

IAmTheWifeOfMaoTseTung · 17/08/2018 22:56

The difference is 25p apparently Looks. Smile

I think I normally buy the polypropylene ones (I get them from the shop not the website and just grab whatever’s on the shelf when I need to replace lost ones) but presumably the polycarbonate ones are even indestructibler because they’re specially UV resistant. It’s the UV that knackers plastic pegs.

LooksLikeImStuckHere · 17/08/2018 23:13

Yes, I thought the UV resistant ones would be the better of the two (given the massive price difference Wink).

Then all these people started confusing me with their support of wooden pegs.

But I do like the idea of a facade of cool juxtaposed with DS’s Batman pants on the line.

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llangennith · 17/08/2018 23:30

At my advanced age I've tried all kinds of pegs. Wooden ones twist and break, plastic ones become brittle and break. I just accept that I have to buy new plastic ones every year or two (and I know that's not environmentally friendly before anyone pounces).

elephantoverthehill · 17/08/2018 23:39

Poundland ones are rubbish. I have some very bizarre painted wooden and numbered pegs that Ds gave me about 7 Christmases ago. They are great.

PickAChew · 17/08/2018 23:42

I have some good plastic ines so bought some similar ones. Nothing like and keep twanging apart. I did search john lewis and settled on some long wooden ones. TBH, they simply don't make clothes pegs like they used to.

ASliceOfArcticRoll · 17/08/2018 23:43

I'd bought big Lakeland ones years ago. I finally had to replace them last winter and the latest batch are already failing!

Their plastic has as gone the way of chocolate: crappification.

I mostly ok ok use wooden from Wilko's for non bulky stuff although I also use the plastic on real delicates.

PickAChew · 17/08/2018 23:47

My peg bag is a bag that a shower curtain came in.

Actully, just googled clothes pegs no metal. Got these and I actually still have some from many moons ago and they're brilliant.

aperolspritzplease · 17/08/2018 23:50

44 responses about pegs and you thought it would be boring 😂😂😂

kittenfun · 17/08/2018 23:54

Agree with the minky pegs I bought recently really good

CrochetBelle · 18/08/2018 00:00

The yellow and green ones posted upthread are my fave Grin

LooksLikeImStuckHere · 18/08/2018 00:17

aperol I know, right? Who’d have thought it on a Friday night. We all know how to have fun Grin (this actually was more fun than the shite film DH put on).

Those Hills pegs do look fancy! Watch you take care of those purple ones...

Decisions, decisions. I may have to sleep on it [possibly taking this a little too seriously].

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PanPanPanPing · 18/08/2018 10:05

"Is there any reason for those colours being the worst?"

I can't remember the exact reason, either something to do with the dye or the way those colours absorb the sunlight.

FrogFairy · 18/08/2018 11:52

None of my hills pegs are purple, the are grey with a bit of blue or green.

Dull thread alert - clothes pegs
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