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Coding toys?

20 replies

Ohdoleavemealone · 22/11/2021 19:37

DS is 9 and would like to learn more about coding. Can anyone recommend good toys that teach coding. I have looked at a few but just don't know what is worth the money.

OP posts:
CaptainMerica · 22/11/2021 22:34

I think at 9, a lot of coding robot style toys might be too easy.

Do you have a computer at home? I think just working through Scratch tutorials (free on the scratch website) might be the best way to genuinely learn coding, rather than a toy. Or maybe Turtle Academy or whatever they use at his school?

Saying that, I have bought my DS(7) lego boost, which is compatible with Scratch, as we have done some Scratch together. There is also another lego coding set aimed at slightly older kids which might be better at 9.

Will be interested to see other replies, in case there is something else good out there that I have not seen.

GuyFawkesDay · 22/11/2021 22:35

Harry Potter Kano coding wand was big hit for my kids

soundsystem · 22/11/2021 22:43

As others have said 9 is probably a bit older for most of the coding toys out there, but if he likes Lego then Lego Boost is great.

Maybe a RaspberryPi?

But I'd give Scratch a go first to see how he gets on

HirplesWithHaggis · 22/11/2021 22:51
batmanladybird · 23/11/2021 00:13

Or Coding Camp. You can do online over zoom www.mama-codes.Com
My 7yo dd did and loved it

CheeseMmmm · 23/11/2021 00:14

Scratch is brilliant and free and vv reputable university thing not for profit etc.

WhatonEarth1 · 23/11/2021 04:10

Sphero mini

Ohdoleavemealone · 23/11/2021 07:46

Thanks everyone.
I will look at scratch. He has been asking to go to classes and I have no idea what to get him for xmas so I thought I would combine them.

OP posts:
yoshiblue · 23/11/2021 10:27

Hi @Ohdoleavemealone my DS is 8 and I've done a lot of research around this for Christmas.

He is getting a Raspberry Pi 400 kit, so we can set him up with his first computer. It's a proper computer, not a toy, and it plugs into a monitor or TV. You get a thick guidebook with it and it's step by step so they can follow it themselves (with an adults help)

Raspberry Pi 400

We are planning on using this for him to practice Scratch and code his Microbit. We already have a Microbit, but I've bought him a robot to go with it.


I also want him to have his own computer for general PC skills. They use iPads in the classroom, but get no time in the IT room. I'm sure this isn't helped by Covid catch up on priority subjects. So I hope to even teach him to type a story on a word processor, get used to using a keyboard and mouse, which are vital skills for him.

Finally, I've got him this Scratch book that is in a comic book style to work through.
Scratch book

If you have any further questions please ask. I did a lot of research about a month ago into this so I'm happy to help you too! I work in tech for a job and have completed a Scratch in primary schools course, so I generally understand this area.

Ohdoleavemealone · 23/11/2021 17:20

Thank you. Not sure we have anything to plug it into but we can certainly look into it.

OP posts:
Porcupineintherough · 23/11/2021 20:46

Have a look at a "Turing Tumble" Its not electronic but its basically a coding challenge with marbles and moving parts.

Blogdog · 23/11/2021 20:52

I also recommend the spherical.

Blogdog · 23/11/2021 20:52

Ffs autocorrect - the Sphero!!

DriftingBlue · 23/11/2021 20:53

Turing tumble. It has play value and teaches the logic of coding. I have seen it get a lot more use than many of the other coding toys dd has asked for.

DriftingBlue · 23/11/2021 20:55

If anyone with younger kids is reading, get a board game called Robot Turtle

Oh and there is one problem with the Turing tumble. The parents constantly want to steal it for some play time.

newyeardelurker · 23/11/2021 21:22

Another recommendation for the Turing tumble. My 11yo enjoys this.

Hugoslavia · 23/11/2021 21:31

Turing Tumble.
Also, Lego Mindstorms.

DrMadelineMaxwell · 23/11/2021 21:37

Eddison robots. They can use bar codes to be programmed. Or you can use a scratch style building blocks program and programme it. You need a tablet or chromebook to do that on and it then plugs in via the audio jack to talk to the robot.

My class of 10 year olds love them.

Kyliealwayshadthebestdisco · 25/11/2021 02:13

Another vote for sphero! My son had one around this age and it was perfect and so fun.

Figgit · 25/11/2021 19:57

Turing Tumble, Mindstorms, Sphero, Cozmo, Artie. All have been big hits with our son. He’s obsessed with coding and uses Scratch, Python. Plays kerbal space program obsessively. Uses his raspberry pi for coding lego spike(?) at school.
There’s a lot out there and most of it is pretty good actually.

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