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Robot/AI/coding toy for 9yo?

4 replies

JesusInTheCabbageVan · 26/11/2020 10:02

We're trying to decide between Sphero, Dash and Anki Cozmo. Anki Cosmo is bloody expensive, but seems to be the only thing out there with a 'personality' - the others seem to be a bit more passive and limited to what you tell them to do. Any advice greatly appreciated!!

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NotExactlyMrsCurrentAffairs · 26/11/2020 11:44

We have Cosmo, he's brilliant!
We bought him for DS's 8th birthday and ds will be 10 in January but still plays with him on a regular basis.
He has soooooo many functions.
I almost didn't get him one for the price as I found it hard to justify. Ended up getting him a second hand one, boxed in immaculate condition for £80. Still a hefty price to pay but it has been well used and one of the things we're so glad we bought him.

JesusInTheCabbageVan · 26/11/2020 11:55

Thank you! I think second hand would be my preference as well, there seem to be a few on eBay in good condition.

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trumpisaflump · 26/11/2020 12:50

My son got a Logo boost as a present a few years ago and loved it.

JesusInTheCabbageVan · 26/11/2020 19:39

We thought about the Lego one, but we've already got him Lego for his birthday (right before Christmas). Been wearing DH down and we've now agreed on Anki Cozmo. 100% confident DS will love it!

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