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Coding toys

15 replies

RachB76 · 12/09/2017 19:35

Hi I'm looking to buy a coding toy for my nearly 6 Yr old. Any recommendations as I'm a bit baffled as to what's best to choose.

OP posts:
Stompythedinosaur · 12/09/2017 19:57

I've got this <a class="break-all" href="//" rel="nofollow noindex" target="_blank">coding mouse for 6yo dd1. It looks good, similar to something they have at school that she loves.

slightlyglittermaned · 12/09/2017 19:59

I got that too! Obviously haven't been able to play with it yet, but it looks promising.

smudgedlipstick · 12/09/2017 20:00

If you have an iPad or your child does, Osmo look absolutely awesome!!

TittyGolightly · 12/09/2017 20:01

Osmo is brilliant

RachB76 · 12/09/2017 20:28

This looks a bit like the Beebot that's used in school so thinking he'd be used to operating it. Don't know if this is an advantage or not?

OP posts:
Stompythedinosaur · 13/09/2017 01:09

Beebot is what dd1 uses at school too. I'm pretty sure the mouse is made by then same people. I think it will make it more likely she'll like it.

Stompythedinosaur · 13/09/2017 01:10

We've also enjoyed the lightbot app.

SpiritedLondon · 15/09/2017 16:43

You guys are speaking a different language I fear but the Design Museum sell this type of thing which might be of interest

Curious2468 · 15/09/2017 21:43

<a class="break-all" href="//" rel="nofollow noindex" target="_blank">//

My son got this recently and I think it is great. The sensors are really good and measure distance and light intensity etc. They get to build him and then code him after. Very impressed with it

RachB76 · 15/09/2017 21:52

Thanks, I'll have a look tomorrow.

OP posts:
DontOpenDeadInside · 16/09/2017 09:42

That coding mouse looks perfect for my DDs thanks :)

PickUpThoseLegos · 25/09/2017 10:06

We have Cubetto, DD loves it. Looks great left out in the living room as well, made of wood and very design-y. Feel she has come on in leaps and bounds since playing with it, definitely worth the investment.

MiaowTheCat · 26/09/2017 11:17

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Nuttynoo · 26/09/2017 11:19

Codapiller, Raspberry Pi, Snap Circuits, puzzle balls all help develop logic which can be used for coding.

Carrie76 · 26/09/2017 12:26

I'm thinking of getting a coding toy for my ds, he'll be 7 at Christmas and has never done any type of coding. Curious that one looks good, do you think a just 7 yr old would be the right age for it?

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