'Decades of entrenched inequality': Mumsnet responds to release of first ever women's health strategy for England

Mumsnet founder and CEO welcomes the strategy and calls for "the necessary funding to make the strategy a reality and tackle decades of entrenched inequality in health."

By Mumsnet HQ | Last updated Apr 17, 2024

Today, 20th July 2022, the Department of Health and Social Care has published the first ever Women's Health Strategy for England, setting out what it calls "an ambitious plan to tackle the gender health gap in the healthcare system by making sure women's voices are heard and they get the care they need." Mumsnet founder and CEO Justine Roberts comments:

"Mumsnet users have frequently told us about their struggles to access vital women’s health services and it's clear that there is a cultural problem in the UK which all too often sees women's health trivialised, belittled and underfunded. Today’s strategy is welcome recognition of this, and outlines a number of measures which we have long been calling for, including more training for doctors on women’s health issues, better access to contraception and HRT and improved research to tackle the data gap. However, with a change of government imminent, it's vitally important that the next Prime Minister continues to prioritise this work, and commits the necessary funding to make the strategy a reality and tackle decades of entrenched inequality in health. Otherwise, women will continue to struggle to access the healthcare they need."