15 things to do before your first baby arrives

Waiting for your precious firstborn to arrive? The last few weeks of pregnancy can feel torturously long. Pass the time with some practical pre-baby prep – and make the most of your final days of (relative) freedom.

By Mumsnet HQ | Last updated Apr 17, 2024

Pregnancy bump

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1. “Stock up on bananas, drinks and Netflix recommendations for when junior has a growth spurt and you're on the sofa for a week feeding round the clock. Happens around six weeks.”

2. “Borrow someone else's kid and learn how to burp them now. It's a fine art.”

batch cooking chicken

3. “Batch cook so there are lots of easy meals available in the freezer.”

4. “Get your house clean if you can (because you won't be doing any cleaning once the baby is here).”

5. “Make a huge batch of chocolate cookies and freeze them. Don't tell anyone they're there – they're all for you.”

Chocolate biscuit stack

6. “Make sure everyone fully understands your expectations about visitors. If you don't want them at first, explain this to them.”

7. “Get loads of the fancy ready-meals from M&S and pop them in the freezer. DH and I got very sick of pizza last time!”

8. “Practise saying 'The kitchen's over there, mine's milk no sugar,' for when guests come over.”

tea coffee and sugar jars

9. “Take unwanted clothes/items to a charity shop; it's amazing how cluttered the house gets once PFB arrives.”

10. “Swimming! It eases the back pain. Follow with a large slice of cake.”

Swimming woman

11. “Enjoy leaving the house carrying only a small bag with just your purse, phone and keys. Next time it will be with a pushchair and an oversized nappy bag.”

12. “Order a shit load of ice cream online, and sit in bed watching box sets, eating it.”

13. “If you have old friends you haven't spoken to in a while, make those long phone calls catching up with them now.”

Old fashioned phone

14. “Go out for dinner after 7pm. Get up later than 7am.”

15. “Sit back, relax, go out for lunch and chill as much as possible. Life's about to change forever.”

And finally…

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