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Haven resorts in Wales

13 replies

KanyesVest · 25/03/2015 18:59

DH and I are in negotiations about holidays. He doesn't want to fly, but I want to leave the country (Ireland)! I was just looking at the ferry routes and spotted some Haven packages which might suit. We have 2 DC who will be 3&5 yrs so somewhere like Hafan y Mor Holiday Park looks ideal. Any experiences/reviews? Thanks.

OP posts:
Larrytheleprechaun · 25/03/2015 22:12

We are also heading for Hafan Y Mor this Summer (from Ireland). Seems to be great reviews both online and from anyone I know who has been. Am interested in replies.

KanyesVest · 26/03/2015 10:03

We might see you there, Larry! Have you booked yet? I was looking at some of the caravan options vs the apartments. I'm not sure how I'm going to sell a caravan to DH, even though some of them look nicer that the apartments.

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Larrytheleprechaun · 26/03/2015 14:08

Yes booked last year and paying it every month. It worked out around £500STG. I also got the ferry at €1 each with a deal Stenaline were doing last week! Am hiring a car over there which is costing around €150 for the week. I would avoid the apartments at all costs. If you look on Tripadvisor, about 95% of the reviews which are bad seem to be about the apartments. The caravans look fab and get great reviews. There is an Asda not far away from the park which will be great to top up. The only drawback at the moment is the exchange rate for Sterling / Euro is so poor that any spending money is going to cost quite a bit.

KanyesVest · 26/03/2015 14:33

I had a quick scan of TripAdvisor last night, and got that impression about the apartments alright. I'll have to find a really good caravan for him (he likes his comforts!). We'll be in Wexford for a family event, so I'm thinking we'll just jump on the ferry at Rosslare and come home Hollyhead/Dublin. Irish Ferries seems to have some packages that might work out.

OP posts:
Larrytheleprechaun · 27/03/2015 13:02

Go for the most expensive caravan you can afford. They all seem to be modern enough, but vans from Prestige up have central heating and are a bit more roomy. Bed linen is also included. We are going for the Prestige. I also got a towel bale (5 bath towels for £5). Saves lugging extra stuff with me seeing as we are travelling as foot passengers. I was checking out car seats (have two needing high backed boosters) and it is very expensive to hire them from Hertz - £70 for the week. So will just drag them across the Irish sea with me! Also there seems to be quite a bit to do in that area too so hoping we get good weather.

PatrickStarxx · 27/03/2015 14:20

I had a static on Hafan y mor but I must admit I do prefer green acres which is a little bit down the coast.

serin · 29/03/2015 23:12

Hafan Y Mor is the only Haven site I would consider staying at.

There is a lot to do on the site, hi rope courses, little boating lake, a slug and lettuce pub, great water slides, mini golf. etc. Can't comment on the entertainment complex as it's really not our thing.

The beaches of the lyn peninsular are amazing Porth Oer,Porth Iago and Abersoch (Just up the coast) is great if you want to eat out.

Greenacres is crowded, and has a tiny, 3" deep pool, it is close to a nice beach but we honestly prefer Hafan Y Mor.

passmethewineplease · 31/03/2015 16:56

We are going to Hafan y mor on the 13th, not been before but looks good. Friends have been and rate it.

We went through an owner, she quoted us off peak price by accident but she agreed to honour it. :) so we're going for the week in prestige caravan for 175 :)

AmysTiara · 01/04/2015 09:56

Quay West is a lovely site in New Quay. Not too big, lovely views of the bay and a nature trail down to a quiet beach

Ifyourawizardwhydouwearglasses · 01/04/2015 10:06

I live near Hafan y mor so take the kids swimming there often - just reopened for the season last week, for DS in particular it equates to Christmas Eve type excitement Grin

The pool is good, there are 3 tube slides and one steep slide with 4 lanes. There's also a small pool for kids that has a few small slides and a few different little pools to slide to/from. There are also rapids (but not very rapid ones!) and a bigger pool.

The pub is really really nice, the food is great and cheap and we often go there just for a meal.
There look to be lots of other things to too but we just go to the pool.

The local area has lots of nice beaches and other stuff to do.

My only criticism is that parts of it are a bit tired and could do with updating, but it's in no way dilapidated!

Slippersmum · 04/04/2015 21:46

Owners rent out there, well they do at Greenacres, so assuming they do. You will get a much better deal through an owner and they can be more flexible eg check out times etc.

Tellmetheduckstory · 04/04/2015 21:49

We loved Hafan. Clean, good atmosphere and lovely staff and the pool has Rapids. :o

rotaryairer · 12/04/2015 19:59

Haven't stayed at Hafan (but am now tempted after reading your reviews). But, Greenacres is my favourite Haven site (have been to quite a few) because of its location - so near to Snowdonia. I guess Hafan isn't much further away. The beach is beautiful with Harlech Castle and mountains in the distance. DSs love the railways in Porthmadog and DH loves the secondhand record shop.

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