
One of the most powerful ways to connect to others’ lived experiences is through music.  In this lesson for grades 7-12, students will listen and respond to the songs of three musical artists that identify as AAPI

Elementary students hear the Banana Boat song, learn about Belafonte, and sing their own call-and-response song about justice.

Students create and share with peers a playlist that tells a story in seven songs as a way to provide support, solace, and inspiration during hard times.

This activity invites students to listen to and share music that can inspire and sustain them as they explore ways to battle oppression and push to survive and thrive during these challenging times.

Music can be healing, uplifting, and calming for both adults and children. This lesson has young people experience how we can use music to care for ourselves during times of stress. 

Music can be healing, uplifting, and calming for both adults and children. This lesson has young people experience how we can use music to care for ourselves during times of stress. 

Students discuss Aretha Franklin, the "Queen of Soul," listen to her recording of the song "Respect," and consider how to ensure that everyone is respected in the classroom. 


The life and music of folksinger Pete Seeger, who died on January 27, 2014, provides a teachable moment on activism, music, and on nearly every major social movement over the past century.  In this lesson, students learn about his life, read and hear songs from three social movements Seeger was a...

Some preliminary ideas for remembering the life of the remarkable folk singer and activist Pete Seeger, who died on January 27.

Students consider a song, a video interview, and readings in exploring the events unfolding in the Middle East & North Africa.