Tropicana Field Ground Rules

Tropicana Field Ground Rule Particulars


Ball lodging on, under or in the bullpen seating area: Out of Play. A ball is deemed to be lodged when it goes in or behind equipment or seating or, in the umpire's judgment, is deemed otherwise unplayable.

Ball enters the bullpen seating area and rebounds out of the seating area: In Play.



Batted ball strikes catwalk, light or suspended object over fair territory

Batted ball that strikes either of the lower two catwalks (known as the 'C-Ring' and the 'D-Ring'), including any lights or suspended objects attached to either of those catwalks as well as any angled support rods that connect the 'C-Ring' to the masts that support the 'D-Ring' in fair territory: Home Run.

Batted ball that strikes either of the upper catwalks (known as the 'A-Ring' and the 'B-Ring'), including the masts that support each of those catwalks as well as any angled support rods that connect the 'B-Ring' to the masts that support the 'C-Ring' in fair territory: In Play. If caught by fielder, batter is out and runners advance at own risk.

Batted ball that is not judged a home run and remains on a catwalk, light or suspended object: Two Bases.

Batted ball strikes catwalk, light or suspended object over foul territory: Dead Ball.

Universal Rules

The Commissioner's Office has issued the following Universal Ground Rules for use in all Major League ballparks this season. Ground Rules pertaining to individual parks are posted separately in those parks.

  • Ball on the top step (lip) of the dugout is in play. No equipment is permitted to be left on the top step (lip) of the dugout. If a ball hits equipment left on the top step it is dead.
  • A player is not permitted to step or go into a dugout to make a catch.A player is permitted to reach into a dugout to make a catch. If a player makes a catch outside the dugout and the player's momentum carries him into the dugout, then the catch is allowed and the ballis dead. See Rule5.09(a)(1) Comment.
  • A batted ball in flight can be caught between or under railings and around screens.
  • A catch may be made on the field tarp.
  • Batted or thrown ball lodging in the rotating signage behind home plate or along first base or third base stands is out of play.Batted or thrown ball resting on the rotating signage behind home plate or along first base or third base stands is in play.
  • The facings of railings surrounding the dugout and photographers areas are in play.Any cameras or microphones permanently attached on railings or along outfield walls are treated as part of the railings or outfield walls and are in play.
  • Any recessed railings or poles that are in the dugout and photographers areas are out of play and should be marked with red to mark them out of play.
  • Robotic cameras or audio equipment attached to the facing of the backstop screen are considered part of the screen.A batted ball striking the backstop camera or audio equipment is considered a dead ball.
  • A thrown ball striking the backstop camera or audio equipment is considered in play.
  • A ball striking the guy wires that support the backstop is a dead ball.
  • A ball lodging behind or under canvas on field tarp is out of play.
  • A ball striking the field tarp and rebounding onto the playing field is in play.
  • No chairs can be brought out of the dugout or bullpen and onto the playing field.
  • All yellow lines are in play.