Roster y Personal de los Yankees

Dirigentes e Instructores Título
Aaron Boone
Aaron Boone 17
Brad Ausmus
Brad Ausmus 68
Instructor de la Banca
Instructor de la Banca
James Rowson
James Rowson 62
Instructor de Bateo
Instructor de Bateo
Casey Dykes
Casey Dykes 78
Asistente del Instructor de Bateo
Asistente del Instructor de Bateo
Pat Roessler
Pat Roessler 66
Asistente del Instructor de Bateo
Asistente del Instructor de Bateo
Matt Blake
Matt Blake 77
Instructor de Lanzadores
Instructor de Lanzadores
Desi Druschel
Desi Druschel 79
Assistant Pitching Coach
Assistant Pitching Coach
Travis Chapman
Travis Chapman 75
Instructor de Primera Base
Instructor de Primera Base
Luis Rojas
Luis Rojas 67
Instructor de Tercera Base
Instructor de Tercera Base
Mike Harkey
Mike Harkey 60
Instructor del Bullpen
Instructor del Bullpen
Tanner Swanson
Tanner Swanson 76
Major League Field Coordinator and Director of Catching
Major League Field Coordinator and Director of Catching
Personal Título
Eric Cressey
Director of Player Health and Performance
Director of Player Health and Performance
Michael Schuk
Director of Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation
Director of Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation
Tim Lentych
Preparador Físico Principal
Preparador Físico Principal
Steve Donohue
Director of Medical Services
Director of Medical Services
Alfonso Malaguti
Asistente del Preparador Físico
Asistente del Preparador Físico
Joe Bello
Major League Physical Therapist
Major League Physical Therapist
Christopher Ahmad
Jefe Médico del Equipo
Jefe Médico del Equipo
Brett McCabe
Major League Strength and Conditioning Coach
Major League Strength and Conditioning Coach
Chad Bohling
Senior Director, Organizational Performance
Senior Director, Organizational Performance
Drew Weisberg
Major League Dietitian
Major League Dietitian
Doug Cecil
Terapeuta de Masaje
Terapeuta de Masaje
Rob Cucuzza
Encargado de Utiles Deportivos
Encargado de Utiles Deportivos
Lou Cucuzza Jr.
Director, Clubhouse Operations
Director, Clubhouse Operations
Ben Tuliebitz
Executive Director, Team Travel and Player Services
Executive Director, Team Travel and Player Services
Edward Fastook
Director Ejecutivo de Seguridad del Equipo
Director Ejecutivo de Seguridad del Equipo
Mark Kafalas
Director, Team Security
Director, Team Security
Sam Briend
Senior Director, Pitching
Senior Director, Pitching
Brett Weber
Director, Advance Scouting and Coaching Assistant
Director, Advance Scouting and Coaching Assistant
Mario Garza
Director, Baseball Development
Director, Baseball Development
David Adams
Director, International Baseball Operations
Director, International Baseball Operations
Larry Adegoke
Assistant Major League Strength and Conditioning Coach
Assistant Major League Strength and Conditioning Coach
Victor Roldan
Director, International Operations
Director, International Operations
Rainiero Coa
Receptor del Bullpen
Receptor del Bullpen
Collin Theroux
Receptor del Bullpen
Receptor del Bullpen
Dan Pane
Major League Video Coordinator
Major League Video Coordinator
Tyler DeClerck
Assistant Director, Advance Scouting
Assistant Director, Advance Scouting
Zac Fieroh
Analyst, Major League Coaching Staff
Analyst, Major League Coaching Staff