Brits heading to Croatia this summer are being warned of huge crowds that some holidaymakers say has sucked the joy out of their trips.

The travel warning covers the city of Dubrovnik – famed for being the chosen filming location for Star Wars and Game of Thrones. But Dubrovnik appears to be attracting more than just film and TV lovers, with those who have already travelled to the city in the height of summer warning of huge crowds that are 'killing' the area.

On Reddit one user said the herds of tourists in the city were "insane", arguing that it is only worth visiting by those who could "handle the crowds". They added: "We did a lot of Croatia some summers ago, it was REALLY crowded! Not even the cities, but places like the Plitvice Lakes were insane; also very hot! But there is a reason they are all there, it is worth it if you can handle the crowds!"

Have you been to Dubrovnik? How did you find the crowds? Let us know in the comments below.

One traveller said the herds of toruists were "insane" in Croatia (
UIG via Getty Images)

As beautiful as the country may be and sought after its coastline, Croatia has long had a reputation as a crowded country.

Offering advice on how to ignore the floods of people in Dubrovnik, the experts at Responsible Travel write: "Anyone who’s timed their holiday to Dubrovnik just wrong will know that sinking feeling of standing on the city walls, watching as a sixth cruise ship rocks up to the horizon. Like Venice and Barcelona before it, Dubrovnik has become synonymous with overtourism." It should be noted that the city now has limits on the number of cruise ships which can arrive in any given period.

The travel company added that the idea "tourism has ruined the city – or that you shouldn’t visit at all – isn’t quite right" as "Dubrovnik is still one of the prettiest cities in the world, spun with impossibly picturesque streets." But it went on to advise holidaymakers not to travel to the city in the height of summer.

Responsible Travel added: "Thanks to its spot in the deep south of Croatia, Dubrovnik serves up some of the sunniest, warmest days in the country. Summer heralds six ships a day arriving in Gruz port, families freed from school and work commitments, packed beaches and city streets that give Venice a run for its money in terms of crowds.

"Crowds aside, it’s not always the best time to be on the Dalmatian Coast anyway. July and August see highs of 28°C, which turns the crowds in the city and beaches into a new kind of torment. Activity holidays sometimes take a siesta during this time; hiking with heatstroke is no fun."

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