Travel warnings have been issued by the UK Foreign Office for popular holiday destinations including Egypt and Morocco.

The updates come after a recent drone attack on Israel by Iran and increased tensions following events in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories. The UK Foreign Office (FCDO) has urged people to check travel advice before they head overseas.

"On 13 April 2024 Iran carried out military action against Israel. Monitor this travel advice and other media as the situation is changing fast. Follow and contact FCDO travel on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. You can also get email notifications when this travel advice is updated," the organisation states online.

Morocco, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates are countries in the region which have been the subject of recently updated FCDO advice, while being popular holiday destinations among Brits.


The North African country is a big destination for British travellers, thanks to the cheap flights that link up with several Moroccan cities, the beautiful beaches and the large cat population. While it is one of the safest countries in the region and most friendly to Western tourists, it is not completely disconnected from the issues in the Middle East.

The FDCO has urged travellers to check the travel page for Morocco before they travel or book holidays to the country, as “the situation is changing fast” following the Iranian military action against Israel on April 13. It warns that “terrorists are very likely to try to carry out attacks in Morocco.”

It says places of high risk of attack include: crowded areas, government installations, transportation networks, businesses with Western interests and areas where foreign nationals and tourists are known to gather. It urges visitors to be vigilant and follow the advice of local security authorities.

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Egypt is another big destination for British travellers but one which is much more closely connected to the politics of the Middle East, while also sharing a border with Palestine. Cairo, Sharm el Sheikh and Alexandria are in the same region as the contentious Raffa Crossing.

As with Morocco, travellers to Egypt are urged to check the FCDO's website for the latest advice before travelling. The organisation currently advises against travel to a number of parts of the country, including all travel to within 20km of the Egypt-Libya border, except for the town of El Salloum, and all travel to the Governorate of North Sinai.

It also advises against all but essential travel to the area west of the Nile Valley and Nile Delta regions, except for specific parts which can be checked online.

The FCDO adds that the land border into Israel from Egypt at Taba could close with little notice. It advises to check with local authorities and consult the travel advice for Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories before trying to cross the border.

UK travellers are also warned of demonstrations and protests taking place in Egypt in response to events in Israel. It states: “Demonstrations could take place at short notice, with a heavy security presence in place. You should avoid large gatherings, demonstrations and protests.”

Terrorist attacks are “very likely” in Egypt, although that does not mean your chances of being caught up in one are high. The FCDO warns that likely targets include Egyptian security forces, religious sites, large public gatherings and places visited by foreigners. Travellers are urged to follow the advice of Egyptian authorities and stay vigilant in crowds and large gatherings.

United Arab Emirates

When it comes to the UAE, whether Abu Dhabi, Dubai or one of the other Emirates, the FCDO warns that terrorists are “likely” to try to carry out attacks.

It states that targets may include: residential compounds, military sites, oil, transport, aviation interests, crowded places, restaurants, hotels, beaches, shopping centres and places of worship. Travellers are urged to "maintain a high level of security awareness, particularly in public places and at public events.

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