Remember when you took your driving theory test?

Do you think you'd still be able to pass it? As with anything, a lot has changed over the years - with today's exam a world away from when compulsory driving tests were first introduced in the UK way back in 1935.

A Mr R Beere was the first person to pass, costing him the princely sum of seven shillings and sixpence – equivalent to £22 in today's money. And there was no such thing as test centres in those days, either, with candidates having to rock up for the event at pre-arranged locations such as car parks or railway stations.

It wasn't until 1964 that a voluntary register of approved driving instructors was set up, with a centralised licensing system arriving a year later in Swansea, shifting control to them rather than individual councils. Candidates no longer had to demonstrate arm signals from 1975, and in 1990 examiners gave candidates a brief explanation of any errors made during the test, along with advice on areas for improvement. It wasn't until 1996 that the separate written theory test was brought in.

In 2002 the hazard perception test was introduced and in 2017 candidates had to learn how to follow directions from a sat nav. So many years, and so many different things to learn. It's hard to keep up! So do you still reckon you'd be able to pass your driving test today? Strap yourselves in and mirror, signal, manoeuvre your way to our fun quiz and find out!

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