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Americans try roast dinners for the first time and their reviews are amazing

The classic roast dinner is a British staple and something many Americans are keen to try - but their reviews are hilarious as some weren't sure what the fuss was all about

It caused a divided opinion between the US travellers (Getty Images)

A roast dinner is quintessentially the staple of British cuisine. Crispy roast potatoes, buttery vegetables and topped with lashings of gravy and Yorkshire puddings - it's a nation's favourite. However, it's safe to say our friends across the pond don't share the same love for a roast as us Brits.

When you think of classic American foods you cast your mind more to burgers, pizzas and mac and cheese - a far cry from our hearty roasts. So it's no wonder they're keen to try a roast dinner when they can, and they have taken to Tripadvisor to share their thoughts on everything roasts - Yorkshire pudding included.

Some were blown away with the British delicacy, whereas others weren't impressed with the "tasteless" food. One fan was Adam B, from San Francisco, as he visited the Queen's Arms in London and felt as if his traditional roast reminded him of his own childhood.

His review said: "[It] Reminds me of Sunday roast growing up back home in Connecticut but in the States, we don't eat them at a pub and the variety of fixings aren't as great. What a delicious way to start my stay in London!" He was also excited by the delectable range of "taters" on offer. "Loved that there were roast potato slices and big fried potato chunks, a nice way to mix up the taters," he added.

Although for Adam, it wasn't the potatoes that topped it off, it was the "flaky fluffy bread" that "absorbed the gravy" that did it for him, A.K.A the Yorkshire Pudding. "The Yorkshire Pudding is what really set this apart from an American roast dinner since we sadly never do that back home. Love the flaky fluffy bread that is this 'pudding' and especially love how it absorbs the gravy," he explained.



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However, not all like Adam B were blown away. Harsh foodie critic Roy L, from Thousand Oaks, near Los Angeles, wasn't a fan at all. Even going to the extreme of saying it would only be good "if there was a famine" as he brutally said: "This is relatively tasteless food. Discerning world travellers like myself may find this, as I did, not very tasty at all, and most certainly under-seasoned. This would be an excellent option if there was a famine, we were hoping for a more flavourful fare." Ouch.