Woman is lying in bed trying to sleep

People who don't sleep well at high risk of depression and heart problems

Woman who started using a sunbed at 18 has had skin cancer twice

Doctor shares unusual food hack to keep cool during heatwaves as UK temperatures soar

Eating these foods will age you quicker and damage your blood vessels

Concussion recovery and what happens when you leave hospital as Princess Anne heads home

Gambling could affect your benefits payments, warns the DWP

Tasty summer fruit could reduce signs of ageing - and is low in sugar

Grim reality of not brushing your teeth at Glastonbury exposed by expert

Cooking oil reduces your risk of developing heart disease, stroke and diabetes

Having spiders in your house can help ease hay fever symptoms

Drink found to burn belly fat if you have two or three cups a day

Easy ginger shot recipe improves gut health and makes refreshing morning drink

Urgent health warning over Brazilian butt lifts in UK hotel rooms

'I have pancreatic cancer – if you have this symptom get checked immediately'

'I ditched Diet Coke for one month - it completely changed my body and mind'

Why rawdogging a flight is the perfect way to bookend your holiday

Doctor reveals exact time of day you should never drink coffee

Common kitchen ingredient will get rid of flies as major infestation is coming

Dementia risk and cognitive decline in women linked to common but invasive surgery

Doctor warns 'pink' bathroom mould could 'cause UTIs and respiratory infections'

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'Nightmares could warn of autoimmune diseases like lupus and arthritis'

E.coli symptoms - seven red flag signs to watch and when to see the doctor

Mealsles vaccine breakthrough sees scientists one step closer to beating virus

Brits call for overhaul of 'bland' NHS hospital meals, eyeing plant-based options

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