A small spider's web could be doing more good than harm for hay fever sufferers

Having spiders in your house can help ease hay fever symptoms

Never dry your clothes outside if you suffer from this health condition

UK asthma sufferers face new inhaler use rules as pollen bomb set to hit

Surprising alcohol drink could 'ease' hayfever symptoms experts say

Five-step hay fever 'cheat code' to get rid of symptoms amid of pollen bomb

Pollen bomb mapped by Met Office as UK faces heatwave in days

Hay fever warning as Brits brace for 'high pollen levels' amid rising temperatures

Health warning as man tears a hole in his throat after making terrible mistake mid-sneeze

'Effective' but gruesome method to combat snotty noses this summer

UK weather: Hay fever sufferers warned pollen count to rocket for three consecutive days

Hay fever suffers are only just learning how nasal relief spray should be used

Britain forecast hay fever misery for Brits as 'very high' pollen bomb drops

UK pollen bomb horror for hay fever sufferers as weather sees count skyrocket today

Met office warning as hay fever bomb set to hit 15 million Brits this week

Hay fever or a cold? Three tell-tale symptoms to look out for - and how to treat it

GP warns of 'early signs' of common summer illnesses to look out for

Expert's 'little-known tip' to stop hay fever symptoms getting worse

I tried Dyson’s Hot and Cool air purifier – and it got rid of my pollen allergies

Best UK staycation spots for hay fever sufferers this summer revealed – see full list

Doctors dismiss student's waxy ear as 'freshers' flu' but she ends up fighting for life

Woman tries odd nose hack in attempt to beat hay fever – it's not for fainthearted

Hayfever sufferers warned of exact date pollen levels will skyrocket amid 26C 'mini-heatwave'


Hay fever sufferers warned against common morning routine that could make condition worse

Sleep expert's unusual 'selfie' hack to beat hay fever at night amid 'pollen bomb'

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Hay fever can ruin some of the best days of the year. It makes you sneeze more, your eyes itch and can somehow make your nose both dry and runny at the same time.