Summer is pretty much here to stay (finally) and it means great weather across the UK.

The season to make wholesome outdoor plans is in full swing and everyone's loving their summer drives with the windows down. Cruising in the sunshine can be all fun and games, until your air conditioning starts to rinse your petrol.

Now according to one TikTok user, there's a savvy method which can help you save money on your next trip. The user, known as @master_driver666, boasts 719,000 followers on the platform and is famous for sharing motoring hacks.

Now in the latest clip, she showed the button you must always press when you're driving with cool air. In the minute-long clip, she explained four methods to make the most of your cooling unit.

She said: "This air conditioning button in the car, do you know what it is for? Many people think it is only used to turn on air conditioning in summer, totally wrong! If you use this air conditioning button as well, driving is extremely fuel-efficient.

"First, turn on the air conditioning in summer, open the inner loop, this cooling effect is very good. Second, turn on the air conditioner in winter, let's turn off the air conditioner, open the outer loop button. The key is also very fuel-efficient.

"Third, turn on the air conditioner on rainy days, adjust the blowing mode to blow on the glass, this way the glass will no longer fog up. Fourth turn on the air conditioner in a traffic jam, in this way the exhaust outside the car cannot enter."

Since the video was posted, it's safe to say many users were thankful for the knowledge. One follower said: "Your style is excellent," while another gushed: "Good job everyday! Thank you a lot!" And a third chimed in: "At last, a reason to not go to the repair shop!"