The tranquillity of a peaceful street was shattered when new neighbours known for their "antisocial behaviour" moved into the "friendly rural village".

A local woman took to Mumsnet to share the dramatic change in her neighbourhood.

She explained: "Houses 1-5 are privately owned ex council houses, 6-14 are bungalows, a couple privately owned but most are still owned by the local authority."

The Mumsnet user continued: "Earlier this year, the resident of no6 died and for the first time in about 8 years we have a new couple living here, they moved in four weeks ago. They have no visible disabilities or a blue badge that suggests they need specific parking." Despite this, the couple has been causing a stir over parking.

The woman revealed that parking has become a "nightmare" since the couple moved in, adding: "The estate has a car park without marked spaces or allocated parking but can hold, if everyone parked sensibly, about 22-25 cars."

She further detailed the complexities of parking on the street, stating: "We've all lived here a while and tend to park in the same places, without too much grumbling."

The woman recounted how locals aren't "precious" about parking, except for house number 5, where a disabled lady lives. "Only house 5 really needs to park outside their house as the lady is disabled, but has never needed to get it marked as such, because we all just take it as being her space."

But when new neighbours started parking inconsiderately, tensions flared. "On the weekend, there was a big commotion in the street and when I looked out of my window, the new people were screaming at the residents of 4+5 that one of them has scraped their car", she shared.

She described the newcomers' reaction as "awful" detailing how they were "swearing at everyone saying they had every right to park where they wanted" and threatening to "knock the lights out" of the person responsible for the scrape.

The following day, her neighbours asked her to report the "threatening" behaviour to the council, alleging that "the new people have been moved into the estate from a neighbouring village where they were evicted for antisocial behaviour and robbing from the old people".

Questioning whether it was too soon to complain, she concluded: "Are we being unreasonable to report them so much after they've been living here such a short space of time?"

In response, a commenter advised: "You're way overthinking it. They're aggressive and threatening, support your neighbours in getting rid of them."

Another resident chimed in with, "Yes technically everyone can park where they like but you've had a nice peaceful friendly community and the new people have disrupted the cohesion".

Meanwhile, a third person added: "They've clearly started how they mean to go on so if you don't do something now, they're just going to get worse."

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