It's safe to say summer is slowly creeping up on us and with the UK weather rising steadily, most drivers are bound to stick on a bit of AC when they're behind the wheel.

Using the air conditioning in the car is perfect for long drives as it keeps you cool and refreshed. But there's always that annoying moment your AC stops running as powerful.

This often happens when the fluid runs out, then when you continue to use it, your car begins to smell. Now if you want to avoid the problem, one woman revealed a handy life hack on TikTok.

According to @master_driver666, who boasts 648,000 followers on the platform, you can try a simple hack which barely costs any money at all. In a clip, which garnered 60,000 likes, the woman revealed a resolution to that "peculiar smell in your car".

She said: "If there is a smell in the car when we turn on the air conditioner and the refrigeration effect is not good, in this case we open the passenger side armrest box.

"When you open it, there's a switch, let's hold it down, then you'll see the armrest box falls off by itself. Next let's hold this button, pull it upwards, we can see the air conditioning filter element."

The woman then removes it and said: "Oh my God, look how dirty it is, no wonder the air conditioner smells bad! We only need to spend a meal to buy a filter element of the same model.

"After install it back in the same way as you took it out. Fasten the lid, install the armrest box, following this method we can replace the air conditioning filter ourselves."

Since she shared the clip, which also fixes your broken window mirror in seconds, it garnered a lot of attention online. One said: "Wow, you are now my new best friend!" While another added: "Great notes to give, thank you!"