'10 days to save the NHS' warning as 1 in 4 say they've queued outside for GP or dentist

UK heatwave: Brits told two days this week soaring temperatures will hit 31C degrees

Heart disease, dementia and cancer risk can be cut by one diet says NHS doctor

People astounded after learning what causes cysts – and it's unlocked 'new fear'

Supermarket warning as highly contagious bug found in UK pre-washed vegetables

Doctor reveals sunscreen mistakes you're making – and they're causing skin damage

Black players 'need to be treated with respect’ says England's Viv Anderson


'Tories have no record to boast of - fighting dirty was inevitable'

Sensitive NHS patient data 'published to dark net by Russian cybercriminal group'

Young voters shift support to Green Party as some say voting for Labour would be a 'disservice'

Tories will fight dirty in final days, warns Labour campaign strategist

Chilling rise of Victorian diseases in kids examined - and tragic whooping cough link

Grieving families 'can't reach loved ones' graves' with churchyard left to rot

Bowel cancer: Key red flag symptoms when going to toilet you should never ignore

Woman says vaping cannabis every day 'makes her a better mum'

Mum 'starving to death' after botched dentist operation left her toothless

Foreign Office warning as tourists get 17th century disease in holiday hotspot

New heart failure risk sign you may notice when cooking - and many are unaware of it

NHS dentists quitting profession have skyrocketed by a third in the past 4 years


'Tories are a losing bet - once again it's one rule for them and another for us'

Nigel Farage's embarrassing own-goal as he downs pint in front of England fans


Pharmacies to turn off lights in unprecedented protest against funding pressures

Mum furious as 'straight A' girl, 14, banned from class for having ears pierced

Ian McKellen's recovery hits more bad news as he issues update after stage fall

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