Hope for Parkinson's disease sufferers as scientists reveal treatment is a step closer

Dinosaur eggs took up to six MONTHS to hatch - which may explain why they were overtaken by evolution

Vera Rubin dead: Pioneering astronomer who helped discover dark matter dies aged 88

Cheetah sprinting to extinction with just 7,100 left in the wild, experts warn

Facebook users live longer: Researchers claim social networks can boost your life expectancy

World's oldest fish hooks dating back more than 20,000 years found in cave of Japanese island

Last population of woolly mammoths died on remote Alaskan island 'after fresh water supply ran out'

Sun and Moon's gravitational pull could trigger earthquakes on the San Andreas Fault

Secret behind hummingbirds' incredible high-speed aerobatic abilities is finally revealed

Revolutionary 'programmable' vaccine could be key to stopping infectious diseases like Ebola, Zika and H1N1

New cancer treatment which can kill off tumours in just TWO HOURS has been developed

Scientists discover 'chatty' gene that makes people sociable in breakthrough that could help treat autism

Ice Age bison DNA shows when early man passed through 'FROZEN CORRIDOR' from Alaska to rest of America

Mars astronauts 'will drink water filtered using wonder material based on bacteria found in TEA'

Mothers could boost children's intelligence simply by talking to them, study finds

Pregnant women could be prescribed statins to lower chance of underweight baby

Children should play in dirt to stop them getting irritable bowel syndrome and stress

What really causes 'air rage'? New study reveals the surprising reason most people get angry on planes

Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease could be cured after scientists reverse symptoms of conditions in new study

Dinosaurs were ALREADY dying out before a giant asteroid finished them off, scientist claims

Fossil of bizarre shrimp-like sea creature which lived 430m years ago is found buried in UK


Sea levels are rising faster than they have in 3,000 years - and humans are to blame

Taking your driving test? Study finds you're 50 percent more likely to pass if you do this

Testicle time bomb as older men found more likely to father children with serious diseases

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