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Online Systems

COL System (Production) - Application portal for entry of Tenant Data, MIEs, Budgets, and Financial Audits.

    • Tenant data is due the 15th of the month following the reporting period.
    • MIE data is due the 20th of the month following the reporting period.

    Compliance Portal (Production) - Application portal for:

    • Owner's Physical Inspection Certification (OPIC) System for Physical Inspection responses.
    • Compliance Audit Response System (CARS) for Tenant File Audit responses.
    • Annual Owner's Certification.

    If there are any questions or concerns with the online systems, please e-mail:

    • Cassandra Brown regarding Tenant Data, Physical Inspection Response System, and Compliance Audit Response System.
    • Nikki Smith regarding MIEs, Budgets, and Financial Audits.

    MiChildSupport - Child Support Verification System - Application portal to access DHHS Child Support verifications.

    Please see Compliance Policy #5 (on the Compliance Monitoring Policy Bulletins page) for information on how to obtain an account

    On-Line Systems Manuals

    Owner's Physical Inspection Certification (OPIC) System:
    08/2016 OPIC Manual
    08/2016 OPIC Frequently Asked Questions

    Compliance Audit Response System (CARS):
    08/2016 CARS Manual
    08/2016 CARS Frequently Asked Questions

    Annual Owner Certification (Certs):
    08/2016 Certs Manual

    Certification On-Line Manual:
    03/2022 COL Manual

    COL Manual: Cover and Contents - Pages 1-2
    COL Manual: Getting Started-Logging In - Pages 3-6
    COL Manual: Familiarizing Yourself-COL Page Layout - Pages 7-17
    COL Manual: User Setup-Establishing On-Site Manager - Pages 18-29
    COL Manual: Processing Annual Owner's Certifications - Pages 30-41 - obsolete
    COL Manual: Unit Updates & Changes - Pages 42-55 - obsolete
    COL Manual: Processing Occupancy Information - Pages 56-80
    COL Manual: Uploading Building Data - Pages 81-92
    COL Manual: Submission to MSHDA - Pages 93-98
    COL Manual: Quick Recap & Final Checklist - Pages 99-100