The Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Minimum Service Package

For an effective MHPSS emergency response

How does it work?

The MHPSS MSP supports humanitarian actors to:

Coordinate and collaborate

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Coordinate to address and identify gaps in the MHPSS response
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Collaborate more easily with agencies and organisations across multiple sectors
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Advocate to address key MHPSS gaps

Plan and make decisions

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Determine key gaps and priorities
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Identify which MHPSS program activities to prioritize for funding and implementation
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Plan and budget evidence-based MHPSS activities

Implement and allocate

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Obtain guidance on what actions to take when implementing each MSP activity
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Deliver faster, better informed responses supported by best practice guidelines, standards and tools.
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Divide up tasks more easily and make more effective use of limited resources.

The MSP builds on existing MHPSS standards and tools to create a single, easy-to-follow intersectoral package.

Who is the MHPSS MSP for?


The MHPSS MSP is a resource for humanitarian actors. It is directed at:

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Program planners
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Implementing partners
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Technical advisors
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Child protection
Gender based violence
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Camp Coordination & Camp Management (CCCM)
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Shelter & Settlements
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Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH)
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Food Security & Livelihoods (FSL)

The goal of the MSP is contributing to reduced suffering and improved mental health and psychosocial well-being among populations affected by humanitarian crises.

The MHPSS MSP includes:

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Activities with:
Checklist of actions
Guidelines, standards and tools
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An orientation guide
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Costing tool
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Gap Analysis tool
MSP background

Access the MHPSS MSP