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Bangalore DevCamp November 2012

From mediawiki.org

Event Contacts
e-mail: asharma at wikimedia dot org

Meet the community.

"Join us at this developer camp to help improve Indian language support for reading and writing articles on Wikipedia on desktop and mobile browsers. It will be hard work, a lot of fun and great accomplishment!"

"If you can't use a program in your own language as easily as in English, it's not a missing nice-to-have feature, but a bug."

» Rachel

"Wiki forever!"

"Free knowledge requires free fonts and input tools. For your language, you can help us!"

"You have a right to a proper user interface in your native tongue."

"I love writing code and I can help you get started. Everyone in the MediaWiki community is super friendly. Including me!"

"The mobile projects essentially give us a blank slate for Mediawiki development and interfacing with Wikipedia. This is a super exciting opportunity for us to build the next generation tools to allow for richer and more widespread participation in Mediawiki-based projects. Come help us make it happen!"

"What I love about the wikipedia universe is that power to change the future is in our hands, each and every one of us. Are you in?

Want to share your story here? Talk to us!

Links to info to get you started.

Join the Wikipedia development community in Bangalore.

Wikimedia is holding a technical meetup in Bangalore, India at the Indian Institute of Management campus. This DevCamp is a chance to participate in development of Javascript based internationalization and localization tools as well as mobile applications using Phonegap and LAMP technologies, and to work alongside experts. Software engineers, UX/UI designers, and translators are welcome!

Developers from technical and non-technical backgrounds with a focus on browser and mobile technologies are welcome at Wikimedia DevCamps. Prior experience with MediaWiki software is not required but you could contribute the most if you're an active developer or UI designer. Translators with a linguistic background who can help improve language support for Wikimedia technology projects are also needed.

Pune Hackathon 2012
Mumbai Hackathon 2012

Topics for the DevCamp.

Language (Internationalization and Localization - i18n/L10n)
  • Learn the basics during our Friday tutorial!
  • Add fonts and keymaps for Indic and other languages
  • Language Selector integration into selected Wikimedia projects
  • Develop functionality for our JQuery.i18n libraries
  • i18n Bug triage
UX Design
  • Help designing the next language tools and mobile features for Wikimedia projects.
  • Learn how to perform usability testing and help us to test our products and prototypes.
More topic information

Wikimedia organizes developer events and Dev Camps all year, around the world. Previous developer events were held in Mumbai, India Nov 19&20, 2011, Brighton, UK Nov 18-20, 2011, NOLA, USA Oct 14-16, 2011, Berlin, Germany May 13-15, 2011, Amsterdam, Netherlands Jan 14, 2011, Washington DC, USA Oct 22–24, 2010.

DevCamp logo
DevCamp logo

» November 09:
Introductions and Workshop
» November 10:
Making cool stuff
» November 11:
Making cool stuff and Presentations


Registrations are closed. We're sorry, but no assistance is available for travel and lodging.

Venue Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (How to reach) (Map)
At the Central Pergola, near the Computer Science block

Read our friendly space policy.


Friday November 9
1700 - 1730 Opening
1800 - 1900 Tutorial 1
1800 - 1900 Tutorial 2
1920 - 2020 Networking
Saturday November 10
0900 - 1000 Registration
1000 - 1300 Develop cool stuff!
1300 - 1400 Lunch
1400 - 1800 Develop cool stuff!
Sunday November 11
1000 - 1030 Daily Standup
1030 - 1300 Develop cool stuff!
1300 - 1400 Lunch
1400 - 1600 Develop cool stuff!
1600 - 1700 Presentations

More Connections

Hashtag #wmbangalore
IRC #mediawiki on FreeNode
Twitterwall wmbangalore
Event progress etherpad http://etherpad.wikimedia.org/DevCamp

More information

Logistics: Praveena Maharaj pmaharaj at wikimedia.org


  • Arun Ganesh (0 90366 25854)
  • Srikanth Lakshmanan (0 99942 09856)