Il mondo di Ernesto

A sustainable project, designed to be mobile and configurable

A tribute installation, a visual experience in which the elements give rise to a balance of impact and simplicity with which to interact.

This is “Il Mondo di Ernesto” designed by MCA – Mario Cucinella Architects with Artemide, at the thirtieth edition of the Interni FuoriSalone which this year proposes “Creative Connections” as its theme.

“If collective memory resides in the history books, personal memory resides in thoughts, where experiences mix with the senses and are transformed into memories. Everyone has memories but being able to describe the true essence makes them less fragile. Artemide is Ernesto Gismondi and Ernesto Gismondi is Artemide.”

In an immersive and connective space, with the aim of putting the public in contact with architecture and storytelling, the installation designed by Mario Cucinella aims to accompany visitors in a visual narration of the history of the famous Milanese company, through a tribute to the world of Ernesto Gismondi, founder of the Artemide Group who passed away in 2020.

Values, design culture, research, know-how, iconic products, innovative projects, lasting encounters and collaborations: a network of creative connections through which Artemide has interpreted light for over 60 years.

And so, the light becomes a guide that leads the observer to discover the story. One hundred and one cards made of recyclable material, will become a modular installation in which tiles, intersected with each other, will form a large installation that grows in height, to form a tower. A visual imagery that through shots from great photographers, sketches, and other images tells a profound and multifaceted story. A red light, representing the sign and heart of Ernesto Gismondi, will surround the observer who will be able to immerse themselves in the work, while finding out about Artemide’s design philosophy.

The installation it will continue to tell the story of Artemide in other places and times.

Location: Università degli Studi di Milano
Type: Installation
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects with Artemide
Team: Mario Cucinella, Antonella Di Luca, Bianca Gabrielli
Visual: Alessia Monacelli
Photo credit: Artemide

This is “Il Mondo di Ernesto” designed by MCA – Mario Cucinella Architects with Artemide, at the thirtieth edition of the Interni FuoriSalone which this year proposes “Creative Connections” as its theme.

“If collective memory resides in the history books, personal memory resides in thoughts, where experiences mix with the senses and are transformed into memories. Everyone has memories but being able to describe the true essence makes them less fragile. Artemide is Ernesto Gismondi and Ernesto Gismondi is Artemide.”

In an immersive and connective space, with the aim of putting the public in contact with architecture and storytelling, the installation designed by Mario Cucinella aims to accompany visitors in a visual narration of the history of the famous Milanese company, through a tribute to the world of Ernesto Gismondi, founder of the Artemide Group who passed away in 2020.

Values, design culture, research, know-how, iconic products, innovative projects, lasting encounters and collaborations: a network of creative connections through which Artemide has interpreted light for over 60 years.

And so, the light becomes a guide that leads the observer to discover the story. One hundred and one cards made of recyclable material, will become a modular installation in which tiles, intersected with each other, will form a large installation that grows in height, to form a tower. A visual imagery that through shots from great photographers, sketches, and other images tells a profound and multifaceted story. A red light, representing the sign and heart of Ernesto Gismondi, will surround the observer who will be able to immerse themselves in the work, while finding out about Artemide’s design philosophy.

The installation it will continue to tell the story of Artemide in other places and times.

Location: Università degli Studi di Milano
Type: Installation
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects with Artemide
Team: Mario Cucinella, Antonella Di Luca, Bianca Gabrielli
Visual: Alessia Monacelli
Photo credit: Artemide

This is “Il Mondo di Ernesto” designed by MCA – Mario Cucinella Architects with Artemide, at the thirtieth edition of the Interni FuoriSalone which this year proposes “Creative Connections” as its theme.

“If collective memory resides in the history books, personal memory resides in thoughts, where experiences mix with the senses and are transformed into memories. Everyone has memories but being able to describe the true essence makes them less fragile. Artemide is Ernesto Gismondi and Ernesto Gismondi is Artemide.”

In an immersive and connective space, with the aim of putting the public in contact with architecture and storytelling, the installation designed by Mario Cucinella aims to accompany visitors in a visual narration of the history of the famous Milanese company, through a tribute to the world of Ernesto Gismondi, founder of the Artemide Group who passed away in 2020.

Values, design culture, research, know-how, iconic products, innovative projects, lasting encounters and collaborations: a network of creative connections through which Artemide has interpreted light for over 60 years.

And so, the light becomes a guide that leads the observer to discover the story. One hundred and one cards made of recyclable material, will become a modular installation in which tiles, intersected with each other, will form a large installation that grows in height, to form a tower. A visual imagery that through shots from great photographers, sketches, and other images tells a profound and multifaceted story. A red light, representing the sign and heart of Ernesto Gismondi, will surround the observer who will be able to immerse themselves in the work, while finding out about Artemide’s design philosophy.

The installation it will continue to tell the story of Artemide in other places and times.

Location: Università degli Studi di Milano
Type: Installation
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects with Artemide
Team: Mario Cucinella, Antonella Di Luca, Bianca Gabrielli
Visual: Alessia Monacelli
Photo credit: Artemide

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Questa è “Il mondo di Ernesto” progettata da MCA – Mario Cucinella Architects con Artemide, in occasione della trentesima edizione del FuoriSalone di Interni che quest’anno propone il tema “Creative Connections”.

“Se la memoria collettiva sta nei libri di storia, la memoria personale risiede nei pensieri, dove le esperienze si mescolano ai sensi e si trasformano nei ricordi. Tutti hanno ricordi ma riuscire a raccontarne la vera essenza li rende meno fragili. Artemide è Ernesto Gismondi ed Ernesto Gismondi è Artemide.”

In uno spazio immersivo e connettivo, con l’obiettivo di mettere in contatto il pubblico con l’architettura e il racconto, l’installazione progettata da Mario Cucinella vuole accompagnare i visitatori all’interno di una narrazione visiva della storia della celebre azienda milanese, attraverso un tributo al mondo di Ernesto Gismondi, fondatore del Gruppo Artemide e scomparso nel 2020.

Valori, cultura del progetto, ricerca, saper fare, prodotti iconici, progetti innovativi, incontri e collaborazioni durature: una rete di connessioni creative attraverso cui per oltre 60 anni Artemide ha interpretato la luce.

E così la luce diventa una guida che conduce lo spettatore alla scoperta del racconto. Centouno carte realizzate in materiale riciclabile, daranno vita ad un’installazione modulare in cui le tessere, intersecate tra loro formeranno una grande installazione che si sviluppa in altezza, fino a formare una torre. Un immaginario visivo che attraverso scatti di grandi fotografi, schizzi, e altre immagini racconta una storia profonda e poliedrica. Una luce rossa, a rappresentare il segno e il cuore di Ernesto Gismondi, avvolgerà lo spettatore che potrà immergersi nell’opera andando alla scoperta della filosofia progettuale di Artemide.

L’installazione continuerà a raccontare la storia di Artemide in altri luoghi e momenti.

Luogo: Università degli Studi di Milano
Tipologia: Installazione
Progetto: Mario Cucinella Architects con Artemide
Team di progetto: Mario Cucinella, Antonella Di Luca, Bianca Gabrielli
Visual: Alessia Monacelli
Photo credit: Artemide



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