GreenHouse – Deloitte

A place where ideas are born

The new glazed volume, intended for the Deloitte innovation team, is simple and essential and fits discreetly into the atrium of the existing complex, becoming a space suitable for the function of “place where ideas are born”.

The design idea takes shape from the suggestions of the existing space and the current regulatory restrictions.

The intervention strategy involves the use of materials, techniques and construction technologies such as to define the building object as an integral part of the original project and such as to contain energy consumption. The context is also enhanced, through the revival of glass as a structural element, already present and preponderant with the presence of the shelter in the atrium.

Finally, a space is created that is both a manifestation of what takes place inside the auditorium but also an intimate and collected space with the use of curtains that privatize the area protecting it from a showcase effect. The use of the glass opening system, then makes the space permeable as if it were a sort of small winter garden in which new ideas are cultivated.

Client: Deloitte
Surface area: 200 square meters
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects, Diego Collareda
Team: Mario Cucinella, Mirco Bianchini, Giuliana Maggio, Daniele Morelli, Giuseppe Perrone
Photo credit: Moreno Maggi

The design idea takes shape from the suggestions of the existing space and the current regulatory restrictions.

The intervention strategy involves the use of materials, techniques and construction technologies such as to define the building object as an integral part of the original project and such as to contain energy consumption. The context is also enhanced, through the revival of glass as a structural element, already present and preponderant with the presence of the shelter in the atrium.

Finally, a space is created that is both a manifestation of what takes place inside the auditorium but also an intimate and collected space with the use of curtains that privatize the area protecting it from a showcase effect. The use of the glass opening system, then makes the space permeable as if it were a sort of small winter garden in which new ideas are cultivated.

Client: Deloitte
Surface area: 200 square meters
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects, Diego Collareda
Team: Mario Cucinella, Mirco Bianchini, Giuliana Maggio, Daniele Morelli, Giuseppe Perrone
Photo credit: Moreno Maggi

The design idea takes shape from the suggestions of the existing space and the current regulatory restrictions.

The intervention strategy involves the use of materials, techniques and construction technologies such as to define the building object as an integral part of the original project and such as to contain energy consumption. The context is also enhanced, through the revival of glass as a structural element, already present and preponderant with the presence of the shelter in the atrium.

Finally, a space is created that is both a manifestation of what takes place inside the auditorium but also an intimate and collected space with the use of curtains that privatize the area protecting it from a showcase effect. The use of the glass opening system, then makes the space permeable as if it were a sort of small winter garden in which new ideas are cultivated.

Client: Deloitte
Surface area: 200 square meters
Project: Mario Cucinella Architects, Diego Collareda
Team: Mario Cucinella, Mirco Bianchini, Giuliana Maggio, Daniele Morelli, Giuseppe Perrone
Photo credit: Moreno Maggi

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L’ idea progettuale prende forma dalle suggestioni dello spazio esistente e dalle restrizioni normative vigenti.

La strategia d’intervento prevede l’utilizzo di materiali, tecniche e tecnologie costruttive tali da definire l’oggetto edilizio come parte integrante del progetto originario e tali da contenere consumi energetici. Si valorizza inoltre il contesto, attraverso la riproposizione del vetro come elemento strutturale, già presente e preponderante con la presenza della pensilina nell’atrio.

Infine si crea uno spazio che è sia un manifesto di ciò che avviene all’interno dell’auditorium ma anche uno spazio intimo e raccolto con l’utilizzo di tende che privatizzano l’area proteggendolo da un effetto vetrina. L’utilizzo del sistema di apertura delle vetrate, rende poi lo spazio permeabile come fosse una sorta di piccolo giardino d’inverno in cui vengono coltivate nuove idee.

Cliente: Deloitte
Superficie: 200 mq
Progetto: Mario Cucinella Architects, Diego Collareda
Team:Mario Cucinella, Mirco Bianchini, Giuliana Maggio, Daniele Morelli, Giuseppe Perrone
Photo credit:Moreno Maggi

Interior Design


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