We know how

Logistics & E-Commerce at Mail Boxes Etc.
How to make your online business more effective by outsourcing

Online commerce is growing steadily, and not just since the pandemic: since 2000, an average of 4.1% more parcels have been shipped every year. A trend that, according to KEP study, will continue in the coming years. And one more reason for companies to invest in effective e-commerce and logistics solutions. Many of these can be conveniently and profitably outsourced.

Discover e-commerce & shipping services

E-commerce at Mail Boxes Etc.

The E-commerce or online commerce refers to the buying and selling of goods over the Internet. More and more consumers are browsing for products on their PCs or smartphones without having to worry about store hours or goods availability. But as popularity grows, so do customer expectations of e-commerce and shipping. That's why we offer companies E-commerce complete solutions that allow them to relax and handle the entire ordering process to the full satisfaction of their customers.

  E-Commerce Customer on Tablet | Mail Boxes Etc.

Logistics at Mail Boxes Etc.

When buying online, customers no longer just pay attention to price: according to a survey by Manhattan Associate, fast delivery is particularly important for 54% of respondents. This is the result of optimal logistics that provide immediate access to goods as well as scalable shipping options. Mail Boxes Etc. provides you with the right warehouse logistics and shipping solutions to meet any order volume or customer requirement.

  Experts in Logistics & E-commerce at Mail Boxes Etc.

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E-commerce and logistics solutions at Mail Boxes Etc. at a glance

The flexible logistics services offered by Mail Boxes Etc. go far beyond mere delivery. Thus, we also take care of other operational steps for you, which are crucial for the success of your business. For example, you can outsource the following services with us:

  • Storage:You need to store your goods safely? With us, your inventory is in good hands and protected by comprehensive insurance.

  • Management: With our regular stock checks, we check the quantities as well as the quality of your products for you. And through daily reports you always have all processes in view.

  • Picking: If an order is received, it must go quickly. Our experienced logistics team assembles the ordered goods the same day the order is received.

  • Packaging: Unbreakably packaged and, if necessary, supplemented with customer-relevant advertising inserts, we prepare your shipments for shipment to the customer.

  • Customs formalities: Whether your shipments go to other European countries or overseas, or you want to bring goods to Germany - we are familiar with the import and export regulations of the respective countries and regulate customs clearance and import documentation for you.

  • Returns: Effective returns management rounds off the customer experience. We will gladly take care of it and guarantee you a cost-efficient handling.

As experienced service providers for e-commerce, warehouse logistics and shipping, we know the hurdles our customers have to deal with day after day. With our all-round service for every logistical need and transparent reporting solutions, you enjoy full control over your e-commerce activities and save valuable time and resources.


Free Consultation

Mail Boxes Etc. (MBE) is the world's largest network of shipping, packaging, graphics and printing services, with more than 2,800 locations in more than 53 countries.

We are premium partner of UPS, TNT, FedEx, DPD, IDS and locally your personal contact for shipping solutions of all kinds.

  Schedule a free consultation with Mail Boxes Etc. for your graphic and print products.

Contact MBE Cente

MBE Deutschland GmbH • Bundesallee 39-40a • 10717 Berlin • Tel. +49 30 72 62 090 • Fax +49 30 72 62 09-250 • mbe@mbe.de • www.mbe.de

Mail Boxes Etc./MBE Centers are operated by independent operators as franchisees, who operate under a franchise agreement under the brand name of MBE. Through its franchise network Mail Boxes Etc. provides support services for businesses and individuals. Logistics and shipping services represent the main services of MBE – enabled by MBE through contractual agreements concluded for the benefit of its franchisees with the main national and international express couriers - and other graphics and printing services - provided either directly or on the basis of agreements with large printing centers. The promotion of services for business and private customers is carried out in the framework of the business activity of each MBE franchise partner within and outside of the MBE Centers ("farming"). Each franchise partner is contractually obligated to perform such activities. Mail Boxes Etc. and MBE are registered trademarks used with permission of MBE Worldwide S.p.A. (All Rights Reserved). The services offered by the individual MBE Centers can vary depending upon the location. The material available on this Internet site, the information contained herein and any other relevant related data may not in any manner be copied, distributed, changed, republished, reproduced, downloaded or forwarded to third parties, without the expressed prior written authorization of MBE Deutschland GmbH. We accept no responsibility with regard to the unauthorized use of the material available on this Internet site, the information and/or the data contained herein.
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