To celebrate the launch of the Bee in the City event in Manchester, Virgin Trains is offering a prize package that includes first-class train tickets to London and a trip to the London Eye.

Virgin Trains have two of their own bee sculptures, with one at Exchange Square and another at Piccadilly station.

The public arts event, which sees more than 100 bee sculptures displayed across Manchester in an art trail, began on July 23 and will run until September 23. It's expected to bring around one million visitors to the city centre.

The bees showcase the work of local artists and businesses, as well as schools, colleges and community groups.

The winning family will all receive return first-class train tickets to London, plus a spin on the iconic London Eye.

Bee in the City mini bees at Manchester Central Library

Virgin wants to take one of the art project's 'Little Bees' down to London to show off some Northern spirit, and the lucky family will accompany the sculpture on its first-class journey.

The prize, which will be for two adults and up to four children, can be taken on any weekday during the school summer holidays - the winners can choose what day they'd like to make the trip.

Some of the Little Bees outside a Virgin Pendolino train

The winning family will also be able to keep their bee companion as a souvenir of their experience - and it will be plain white so that it can be decorated however the family wishes.

The big bee sculptures will be auctioned off for charity at the end of the event.

The Big Sleuth event in Birmingham

At a similar art trail event last year, a family from Birmingham escorted a bear to London for the day.

The competition will close at 11.59pm on Monday July 30, 2018.

Click here to enter.